Chapter 3

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[I apologize if Osamu seems ooc, but I want to emphasize the fact that he truly cares about the reader. So, he acts differently around you. I'll try to keep it as close to his personality as I possibly can]


The h/c-ette lifted his head up, but didn't bother to turn around. "You have a visitor. Please come out and see them. They really wanted to talk to you."

Y/N remained silent for a few seconds before getting up. The employee smiled tenderly. "Come on. It'll do you some good to get up and walk around."

He didn't reply and walked alongside the employee. Eventually, she brought him into a room. He saw a familiar gray-haired male sitting at a table. The employee encouraged him to go over, which he did. He sat down across from the male.



Osamu's expression softened with concern. He saw the dark bags that had formed under those e/c eyes he had fallen in love with. "Are you getting enough sleep?"

Y/N shook his head a little. "Not really..."

"You should get some rest."

"If I could, I would..."

Osamu reached out. "What's been bothering you lately?"

Y/N chuckled dryly. "What hasn't been bothering me lately...?"

Osamu didn't know what to say in response. "Sorry..." Y/N said. "I always make you worry..."

"If you want to talk, I'm here to listen."

The taller male sighed and looked away. "I know..."

"I'm sorry."

The h/c-ette was surprised by the sudden apology from Osamu. He turned to face the male once again. "What are you apologizing for...?"

"I wish I could do more..."

Y/N was quiet for a second before placing his hand over Osamu's. The gray-haired male felt how cold Y/N's hands were.

Even though they used to be so much warmer...

"I'm the one who should be apologizing..."


"You come by even when you're busy... All just to see me and how I'm doing... While I've only ignored your efforts to visit me the past few times..."

"I get it... You needed some space--"

"That... isn't it..."

Osamu's eyes widened a little. "I just... couldn't stand the thought of you looking at me like this..."

"What do you mean?"

"Broken... Shattered... A wreck... I didn't want you to see any of that..."


"I'm sorry..."

"Please stop apologizing, Y/N."


"If you insist on wanting to apologize for something like that, then as forgiveness...please tell me what you're thinking and feeling."

Y/N thought for a bit before nodding. "Alright..."

"What keeps you from sleeping at night?"

The h/c-ette paused. He averted his gaze. "Y/N?"

He was silent for a bit before opening his mouth. "Everything..."

"Everything? Like what?"

"Naomi... My uncle's death... My little brother... All the secrets... All the things I never noticed... The fact that maybe all this was inevitable after all... That there was absolutely nothing I could do to save her... The guilt..."

"All that, huh...?"

Y/N ran a hand through his messy h/c hair. His body felt heavy from the fatigue. "I've tried so hard to think about other things... can you think of happy memories...when they've all been replaced with the ones you wish you could get rid of...?"


Osamu used his free hand to grab something from his bag. "My mom give this to you."

Y/N looked down at the item that was wrapped up with a furoshiki. "What is it...?"

"It's the (f/d) (favorite/dessert) she used to make that you liked so much... She hopes that you get out of this place soon."

Y/N smiled a little. "Thanks... Tell her not to worry about me too much."



They both turned to see a nurse walking over. "It's time for you to take your medication."


He got up off the table, along with Osamu. The nurse smiled. "I'll wait for you by the entrance."

Y/N nodded and watched as she left. Osamu walked over to the h/c-ette's side. "I know it might sound narcissistic of me to say, but...if it helps...please think of how much I care for you. Maybe it'll help clear out those negative thoughts that keep you up at night."

Y/N gave him a weary smile. "Yeah... I'll try that."

Just as Y/N was about to leave, he stopped and turned back, planting a peck on Osamu's cheek. The gray-haired male's cheeks were tinted a rosy pink with embarrassment and surprise.

"Thanks for being here for me, 'Samu... I appreciate it..."

Osamu smiled in return. "Sure. It's my pleasure. I'm here to support you."

He kissed Osamu's ring finger before letting go and waving goodbye. The male watched as the h/c-ette was guided away by the nurse. "Excuse me."

Osamu turned to the sound of the voice, seeing a woman with long, dark hair. "Hi," she said, holding out her hand. "I'm L/N Y/N's therapist, Yamazaki Erina."

"Oh. Nice to meet you. I'm Miya Osamu."

They shook hands before letting go. "I apologize in advance for taking up your time, but I would like to discuss something with you."

"Does it have to do with Y/N?"

"Yes. I was hoping I could get some more background information."

"I see... I don't know about telling you every single thing that I know about Y/N's life."

Dr. Yamazaki was about to reply until Osamu spoke up again. "But...if it means helping Y/N get past this...then...I want to contribute as much as I can."

She smiled. "Very well. It seems we have the same intentions. In that case, please follow me to a more private area."

Osamu nodded in return and followed after Dr. Yamazaki. They walked into an area that seemed to be the employee break room. She sat down and waited for Osamu to do the same. She grabbed a pen and notebook from her bag.

"So, I'll ask you some questions. Answer them as best as you can. We can skip the questions you don't know the answer to."


"Alright. My first question... How long have you and Y/N known each other?"

"Since junior high."

She quickly wrote that down. "How did he usually act around you?"

"Well... He was playful. He liked to joke and mess around here and there. He'd act childish at times, though it was all in good fun. But, when it came to the team, he was always serious. He was dependable and was always trying to improve. He was a support. The guy you could always count on to have your back."

She nodded and wrote that down as well. "Did you...ever notice any change in his behavior? Anything at all? Like, any clues that could've indicated that he was falling into depression?"

"By you mean before...or after Hattori-san's death?"

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