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The bright rays of the sun peered through the curtains on my windows in the attic. As always, the light hit my eyes, causing me to instantly wake up. I rubbed my eyelids with the back of my hands as I sat up on my bed. My body shook a little as I lifted my hands above my head to stretch and let out a great yawn. I carefully slipped out of the covers as to not disturb Nyla who was resting at the edge of my bed.

I opened my wardrobe and took out a red off-the-shoulder crop top with puffy sleeves and a matching flolwy skirt. I threw the clothes over my shoulder and climbed down the ladder of the attic to get to the apartment. The smell of Masaru's delicious cooking hit my nose as soon as I reached the end of the ladder.

"Good morning Master Masaru," I greet through a stiffled yawn as I walked past the kitchen.

"Mornin', Rissie," he replied from the kitchen. Rissie's the nickname he's been calling me for the past couple years. Although it wasn't my favorite thing at first, it kind of grew on me. From the little things I remember about my past life, I don't remember that being a nickname of mine.

I walked into the bathroom, shut the door behind me and placed my clothes on small table in the bathroom. I turned to look at myself in the mirror above the sink as I stripped myself of my sleepware. My light brown eyes stared back at me as I examined myself. From my time on this island, my brown skin got darker, but I didn't mind one bit. My once short curls now reached my shoulders. I grasped one curl and pulled it down, revealing it to be a couple inches longer than it appeared.

I sighed and let the curl bounce back to its original length. I turned on the hot shower then tied my hair up in a high bun. Once I stepped in, I let the water relieve me of any stress or worries that has been on my mind. But immediately after stepping out, the thoughts I try so hard to push away came back.

As I dried myself with the towel, I began thinking to myself. I wonder how Aiko is doing. I hope Naruto is close to becoming the amazing hokage he has always wanted to be. Is Sasuke still seeking his revenge? What is Sakura working on right now. Did Kakashi ever finish that damn orange book?

The life that I have right now is what it is because I had to abandon the one I made in Konoha. Even though I know it was for my own good, and for the good of others, I still miss all the people I left behind. Aiko, my caregiver, Kakashi sensei, my old team leader, and Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, my old teammates.

I could have used the crystal ball Diona left me to see what they have been doing, but in order to move on with this life, I had to let go of my old one. So I left the crystal ball in the tote bag Aiko gave to me when I last saw her. Even though I miss them dearly, I made myself believe they don't feel the same because of what I am.

Pushing those thoughts to the back of my head once again, I slip into the clothes I brought with me to the bathroom. I released my hair from its bun and part it down the middle with my fingers. I took my white silk scarf I left in the bathroom and folded it into a triangle, then tied it to around the top of my head, letting my middle part show and my hair hang loose in the back.

After throwing my sleeping clothes in the hamper, I walked out of the bathroom and made my way to the dining table, patiently waiting for Masaru to bring out the food.

"You know it would be nice if you helped in the kitchen sometimes, you freeloder," Masaru said jokingly from the kitchen.

"Just make me my breakfast, old man," I respond.

With a smile, Masaru walked out of the kitchen with two steaming bowls on miso soup in his hands. He placed one bowl on either side of the table. "Thank you for the food!" I say before picking up my wooden spoon and consume the soup.

Masaru followed suit and happily drank his soup. "So, you think you're tea pot collection will be done by today?" he asked. Over the past few years, Master Masaru hasn't jujst taught me how to handle a sword, but he guided me in the art of pottery making in order to show me that hands shouldn't only be used for violence, but for making beautiful creations, such as vases, plates, and teapots. Personally, I think he just needed a second set of hands to help keep his business running, but I have no problem helping him out.

"Yeah, it won't take long at all," I reply. I have been working on a new collection that includes a teapot, tea cups, and some saucers. It has always taken me a longer time to complete ceramic projects, but it's all due to my perfectionism. Masaru calls my keen attention to detail a blessing and a curse.

"You said that last time."

"I know, I know, but I really mean it this time. And besides, last time I was working on a set I was juggling a new spell I was practicing and trying out new moves with my katana. So my last project doesn't count. To me at least."

"Mhm, but to me it does. You didn't have to deal with those angry customers who have been anticipating its release for weeks since you decided to tease the island with it's sketch designs."

I chuckled softly behind my hand. "Sorry about that. I didn't know I was going to have so much on my plate at one time."

"Tell that to the nightmares I still have about that day." Masaru looked off into the distance and sighed dramatically. I laugh at his silliness then finish the rest of my soup. I get up and collect the bowls and spoons off of the table and make my way to the kitchen.

"To make up for it all, I'll clean this up," I call out from the kitchen.

"Do you really think that'll make my nightmares go away?"

I laugh again. "If I'm being honest, it's highly unlikely. And I do believe you have a shop that needs to opened pretty soon. Better get to it, old man!"

Masaru's loud laugh boomed through the whole apartment. He got up from his seat and made his way out of the apartment to open up the shop that was below us. I turned on the faucet and began washing up everything used during breakfast this morning.


After cleaning up, I made my way into the backroom of the shop, where I put the final touches onto my tea pot set. It was a baby pink color adorned with blue and yellow flowers and emarald green for the vines, stems, and leaves. After adding the glaze for the shine, I used my witch abilities to allow my hand to blow cool air onto the items to speed up the drying process. The ability to use my palms to blow gusts of air is something I learned from my book, and it honestly makes so many things easier

Once I was sure that everything was dry, I leaned back in my chair and let out a sigh of relief. "All done," I say to myself. I washed my paint stained hands off at the sink and took off my apron. I peaked my head out of the backroom to the empty ceramics shop.

"Guess who's done?" I say in a sing songy voice.

Masaru set down the magazine he was reading and smiled. "I'm hoping that it's you."

"You're right on the money! I told you it would get done!"

He chuckled. "Yeah, yeah. Now just place the set down over there and you'll be free for the day." He pointed to an empty white table meant for my new collection.

"You got it boss!" Smiling, I walked back into the backroom. Before, I would spend basically my entire day learning how to perfect ceramics, practice my witchcraft, and train with Masaru in kenjutsu. Since I'm slowly mastering them all, practice time has been cut short and I now have more free time. Hearing the words "You're free for the day" from Masaru is always music to my ears.

I telepathically lift the set in the air and walk to the door, which I also opened using my mind. I strolled over the empty table and neatly placed the ceramic items onto it. I placed my hands on my hips and smiled proudly at my work.

The bell on the shop's doorframe rang. I turned to the entrance to greet the incoming customers. "Welcome to-

A man with long, spiky white hair and red lines trailing down his eyes walked into the shop, followed by a familiar blond boy. This boy was no longer the tiny little kid who was on team 7 with me, but was now taller, with a matured handsome face.

His eyes caught mine and were immediately filled with shock. His disbelief faded away, and his lips curled into a smile.

"Iris," said the boy, who was undoubtedly, Naruto Uzumaki, my old teammate.

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