Crimes of jealousy [Sirius x Reader] - Requested/Challenge

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Title: Crimes of jealousy

Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader

Word count: 3824

Published: 14 August, 2020

Author: Heloise Daphne Brightmore

Notes: Well, I kind of put this request together with a challenge which I am participating in, because the prompt I had, fit in really well and because my dumb ass accidentally deleted my previous writing for the challenge. Anyways Celina_Yaxley I hope you will like this little one shot with Sirius being a jealous knob head :)



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Sirius and you have been quite good friends

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Sirius and you have been quite good friends. Not really best friends, he had the marauders for that, but you were quite close behind them. You have known each other since first year. He bumped into you on the train, spilling his orange juice on your freshly washed and ironed uniform. He gave you an apologetic half smile and passed by you to go back into his cabin. You certainly weren't happy with his attitude and even at the age of eleven, you were already a fireball.

You walked towards the compartment you saw him previously enter and pulled open the door, to teach him how to apologise to people and how to behave like a normal human being with manners.

He did not take that well. He was not used to strangers having a go at him, so for months you were hating on each other. But that only lasted so long, before he realised how much fun you and your friends were having and he wanted to experience it too. After months of your bickering, he finally walked up to you apologising and you accepted it. You were not one to hold grudges when people realised their mistakes and dared to admit it.

Years later, your friendship was still strong and you were even closer to each other.

You were standing in the Owlery with Sirius' arm thrown across your shoulders, whilst waiting for James to send a letter to his parents. He carefully closed the envelope and gave it to his owl which flew away as soon as he was instructed. You watched as the brown bird disappeared, before turning on your heels and heading back to the common room.

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