Being a Nurturer

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One of my ✨ acquaintances ✨ brought up the fact that she's there for everyone and no one's there for her and I found it interesting because it's the same for me. Naturally, I'm a nurturer to everyone I meet. I have an urge to make sure everyone is doing okay and have whatever they need.. but no one does the same for me. I completely ignore my mental health to make sure other's mental health is good. I de-prioritize myself.. which isn't necessarily a bad thing until IM hurting, you feel ? It takes a special kind of person to be self-less and de-prioritize yourself for other's needs. My friends all call me things like mom and mama because I take such good care of them. I feel like I'm raising kids and I'm not even out of high school yet haha. Nothing is going on with me so I'm not making this rant because I'm sad or anything but I'm just putting it out there that even the happiest and most selfless people can be going through something and no one will know. Check on your friends, family, and loved ones every once in a while and make sure they're okay. Tell them you love them and that you'll be there for them if they need to talk. That's what people need to hear the most sometimes is that someone loves them and they're gonna be there.

Signing off for the night <3
- H💛

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