Poem 4- Sorry

65 12 4

Quit blaming them
You are just as bad as they are
Stick with you forever
But stab you at the end
It's just how karma works
Now you know how it feels
You have reached the other side

It is the ugly end
Filled with ugly hearts
But not many with a choice
Tried to save yourself
Put them in trouble
Now you've reached the other side
It's not a dead end
U can go back to the good side
Just with a word

So here it goes
I am sorry to all my old friends
For blaming them
When they didn't talk to me
But it's ok
'Cause it's not you it's me

I am sorry to all my friends
Who tried to talk to me
But I ignored them
Though not on purpose
It is still not you it's me

I am sorry to all my new friends
Who I have betrayed already
It's funny how long a friendship lasts
So fragile yet so happy

I am sorry to my next friends
I don't know what's gonna happen
But if I'll ever hurt you
It's still gonna be me not you

So here it goes
One more time
But I'll do it again
I am sorry

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