I won't raise my zanpakto

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Momo Hinamori woke up in the squad 4 baracks and had been in bed rest for quite some time now. She still had no idea that the there was a new squad 5 captain.

A squad 4 member that had been taking care of momo for a while now entered the room to check up on momo's recovery. "Luitenant Hinamori i've come in to check up on your health."

A young boy with green hair and a sweet expression said. "Alright Mai." Momo replied. Mai took out his materials nessesary for the check up and began to put his skill to use.

"So Mai how is Toshiro doing?" Momo asked looking out the window. "Oh he's doing just fine, infact i think he may even be better than ever." Mai reasured.

Hearing this Momo quickly spun her head to face Mai. "Better than ever you say? What happend?" She questioned. Mai chuckled a bit before answering. "Let's just say he got a girlfriend."

The pretty girl's eyes widened with excitement. "Really!!? I had no idea! So who is she?" Mai turned his attention to Momo. "The new captain of squad fiv-" He instantly covered his mouth in regret.

"The new captain of squad five?" Momo repeated, her eyes dimming with anger. "N-no I me- I mean we-ll she u-well i mean." Mai stuttered on. "Just what do you mean?" Momo said with a death glare staring daggers into his very being.

As you know momo was very attached to her former captain and would kill anyone who dared to replace her " beloved." aizen.

Momo got up with her eyes covering her eyes sheilding her emotion from the rest of the world. "Luitenant Hinamori! You aren't ready to get out of bed ye-"

Mia was quickly  cutt off by momo grabbing her sword and slashing his chest. "JUST SHUT UP!" She screamed. She quickly flashstepped away to Toshiro's office only to find it deserted.

There were some files on Rangiku's desk that weren't filled out yet. Momo picked up one of the millions of sheets and read out loud. "Captain Kuchiki, Captian Hitsugaya, Captian (L/N), Luitenant Yachiru, and Rukia Kuchiki will be sent to the world of the living on (date that was 6 days ago) Luitenant Matsumoto's permission to go sign here.."

It wasn't signed yet. Knowing Rangiku she never does her work so she probably never even knew that she could've went to the world of the living with the others.

Momo gripped the paper tightly. " So they went to the world of the living.." She opened a portal to the world of the living and summoned a hell butterfly and was on her way.

Mean while...

Captain Unohana heard the comotion between Momo and Mai and quickly opened the door to find Mia laying there with his chest smuthered in blood. "Mia! What happened?"

Unohana said a bit frantic coming to this aid. "M-momo....she escaped....I think she's g-going to t-t-t-the world of the l-iving." Mai spat out with blood running down his mouth.

"But why would she do that?" Unohana questioned. "I t-told her....that there was a n-new sq-sq-squad five c-ccaptian and she freaked. Forgive me captain."

Mai gribbed captain Unohana's captians coat. "I think she may be going there to kill c-captain (L/N)."  Her eyes widened.

She called for other squad 4 members to heal Mai and quickly told the others the news. Reiko, your 3rd seat's girlfriend (remember her??) the one that you admired heard the news.

Reiko and Masaru jolted up at the news. Reiko was about to leave when Masaru grabbed her hand. "Where are you going?" He said in a stern voice. The beautiful girl spun around.

"What do you mean? Our captain could be caught off guard and killed at  this very momment! We need to go and help her!" She screamed before calling for a hell butterfly and opening a portal.

"Wait! I'm coming too!" Masaru announced.


You and the others were up against atleast 30 menos. You made the final blow. Without a second to spair you were all done. Atleas that's what you thought.

You saw a portal opening and suddenly a pretty girl with a luitenants badge stepped out and flashstepped infront of you.

"You must be Captain (L/N) the new captian of squad 5." She said sternly and angerly. "Yeah that's me." You said surprised. "I am luitenant Momo Hinamori...your luitenant." She said with a death glare.

"Oh well nice to-" You were cut off by her trying to peirce you with her zanpakto. "What the hell!" You said dodging it with ease. "Is that anyway to greet your new captain?"

You said sarcasticly. "Actually it's the perfect way to greet someone like you!" She said running twoard you with her zanpakto. "How dare you try to replace captain Aizen!!!!!!!!!"

 She screamed. Toshiro stopped her with his own zanpakto. "Momo! Just what the hell do you think you're doing!?" Toshiro asked clearly furious.

"Step aside Toshiro!" Momo demanded. "She's right Toshir step aside." You replied. Toshiro was shocked. "What do you mean step aside?" Toshiro retorted still struggling to keep his zanpakto intact with momo's

"It's fine." You said putting your zanpakto away. "She wants to kill me right? Not her bestfriend. So step aside." He was confused and furious with your answer because he didn't want you to ge hurt.

The young prodidgy threw off momo with all his might sending her aback. "Just what the hell are you on!?!? You know she has so much anger in her right no she could easily kill you!"

"Well that's insulting. Don't you dare underestimate me. Pain is nothing." You said sarcasticly. "This isn't a game (Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!"

Momo began to charge at you both till you jumped infront of Toshiro clenching the zanpakto in one hand. "I know it's not a game and i know i could die. But raising my own zanpakto to one of my squad members and destroying them is against my principals. And you know.." You said turning to face Toshiro. "She's important to you right? I could never hurt her." You smiled

to be continued......

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