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Faithful to you, I have been,

Since I was a girl in my teen.

Never has anything or anyone, though,

Troubled my trust, that I have in you.

With hiccups of laughter and pillow-soaked tears

Braving uncertainties and facing fears,

Striving to move forward all the way,

With all my might, reaching out to make you stay.

Slipping, sliding, tumbling, colliding,

The firm ground I had then, is now I am losing.

I hit rock bottom and from afar, saw my fate seal.

Efforts in vain, but the struggle was real.

From deserts to oceans, cliffhangers to dead-ends,

I experienced many twists, turns and innumerable bends.

My faith and trust in you is still consistent as day one.

Even though time has gone, the chapters have turned.

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