Chapter 2

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My eyes opened and I sat up. I was covered in sweat and it was dawn. The nightmares keep coming back. After that day, in that house I have been having these nightmares.
The same nightmares, every night. Nothing works, no medication or therapy could help me get rid of these nightmares.

Even moving out of that cursed town didn't help. I could still sense them. My parents were demonologists and I was always surrounded by paranormal stuff.

But what I could feel wasn't something my parents ever got the chance to explain to me. And people arpund the world, doctors won't belive me when I tell them that I can sense spirits. My parents died in a car accudent when I was 3. No one in Valenburg liked them or me as they considered that my parents were the main cause of all the problems in that town. I left that town after I turned 18.

However, the effects of that night didn't go away no matter how far away I went. Last week I moved back to Valenburg, deciding that it was time I face my demons and try to get a proper job and lead a normal life.My phone started buzzing on the kitchen table, I went and answered the call.
"Hey, is this Alice Moore?"
I couldn't believe the voice I was hearing, I was hearing it after 15 years.
Why was Aaron Miller calling me after 15 years?

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