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Yeah I'm a poet,

Take a piece of paper and note it,

I come from dark places,

They keep on shouting all those faces,

Maybe it's not about the happy ending,

Maybe it's about the story,

I used to think the worst thing,

Was to end up alone,

But their are some people that don't have homes,

I'm tough,

Try to hurt me,

Good luck,

Let yourself move to the next page,

Don't be stuck in the same age.

Something inside you is hurting,

That's why you need cigarettes,

Or whiskey,

Or turned up music so fucking loud you can't think,

But take a minute to think,

Take a sip of your drink,

Is it helping?

Or is your life just melting?

Maybe will meet again?

When the clock ticks ten.

ClockDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora