Ch. 18

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"What?" I lashed out on whomever though calling me in 2 am was a good... no wonderful idea.

"Hannah" Voice seemed kind of frightened.

I wondered for a moment who it is until I recognized the voice - Mokuba.


"How do you deal with drunk person?" Who the hell got drunk in this hour? Gozaburo, maybe? He has collection of whiskeys. No, he is not home.... Seto? But he doesn't drink. He hates alcohol. No way he's drunk.

"Who is drunk?"

"..." He hesitates for a moment. "Seto." That moron. What the hell was he thinking?

"...Honestly, I have no idea." And if I do know how to deal with him Mokuba wouldn't. Seto is twice his size and stronger than him plus now he is drunk so his behavior is off the line.

"Please help. He is angry." I'll kick him through the window. He and his drunk ass. So much intelligence and he had no idea how alcohol works.

"Do you need help?"

"Yes. Can you come over?" I have no strength to change but it's Mokuba and he needs help.

"Okay I'll be there in a moment."

I put on leggings and left oversized t-shirt I slept in and took leather jacket with me.

Mom went with dad. He used to took her with her, while he is at the meeting she is off somewhere in the city sightseeing and buying stuff. And I have house all to myself.

Should I send something to mum or maybe it's better not to say anything? If Gozaburo finds out he will kill Seto and Seto will kill me. I don't need crutch anymore so it's ok to drive only to his house. It's five minutes. It'll be there and back again and no one needs to know.
Doors were slightly open. He is so drunk he can even close doors behind him.

It was weird atmosphere. Like I entered some haunted house, so quiet and smell of alcohol in the air.

"Mokuba?" I said like a whisper but no one answered. First I went to kitchen and I've found Mokuba sitting at the table wrapped in blanket.

He told me everything how he waited for Seto while he was drinking somewhere.

I went to living room where some noise was coming from.

"Seto?" I was stunned a bit. He was going around living room, searching for something I guess, not bothered about me. "Seto!"

This time he lifted his head.

"What are ya doing here?" He tried to compose a coherent sentence.

"What are you doing?"

"None of yar damn business." He returned to his searching.

"Seto... Seto." I called him few times. He doesn't care. "You should go to sleep."

"Don't tell me what to do." He stopped from what he was doing and pointed at me.

"You are scaring Mokuba."

"Shut up!" It was something between anger and despair.

"Come." I came to him and took him for arm to drag him to bed.

"Don't touch me!" Mokuba stepped back.

I have no patience for his drunk ass.

"Listen here you drunk. You are going to bed now." He was pissed off. I have no idea why. Shouldn't drunk people be happy or some shit.

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