Chapter 1

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Freya POV

The next class was... oh well, there are no classes! It's lunchtime already. When I went into the hall, my friends were already waiting for me there. "How was the class?" "Was it fun?" "Dude, it was so boring... who agrees?" They were talking about that stuff. The first one to notice me is, of course, my roommate and best friend: Odette.

Odette: Hi, Freya! How was your class?

Freya: Not bad. 

Odette: Mine was pretty fun! Ms. Alice talked about how to use magic for self-defense.

Freya: I didn't ask 😑

Odette: Why you being salty today... 😢

Freya: Hey! I was joking~ mine was pretty boring but our teacher said it will be fun tomorrow.

Odette: Hopefully! Now let's go get some lunch~

Freya: Sure!

We got our lunch and started to eat. The lunch was peanut butter sandwich and some chicken legs and an apple juice with some veggies.

Odette: Chicken legs! My favorite!

Freya: I like these sandwiches.

Odette: Of course! Those sandwiches are delicious but chickens are more~

Freya: Ok? 

Odette: (start eating)

Freya: Guess you were hungry.

I started to eat my lunch. It wasn't that bad. I wanted to eat the sandwich but we have the next meal after 7 hours, so I thought we need to save something for later. Since chicken legs aren't packed, I decided to save the sandwich. Odette stared at me as I was a stranger. "Are you ok?" I asked to her. "Umm.. I wasn't staring at you. I was actually staring at that boy." She pointed the boy. I didn't know him well but I think his name was Lancelot or something. "Ohh, you have a crush on him?" I smirked. "No, :/ I just found him interesting." Even though she said that, I was 100% sure she had crush on him. 

Zilong POV

Even though the first class was boring, it was fun to tease Freya. I hope everyday is like this. It was lunch time and we already started to eat it. "Are you boys not saving something for later?" Argus asked us. "Nah, I already got some snacks I bought yesterday in the room." Alucard said. "Same, I'm his roommate you know." I said that looking at Alucard with puppy eyes. "Fine." He whispered to me meaning he will give me some snacks later. "Dude.. I'm your roommate. You should know what plans I have for later." said Gusion. "Of course." Argus smirked. Plan? It seemed suspicious. 

After the lunch, we walked toward our next class. Hoping Freya will be at the same class with me, I opened the classroom door. Freya was already there, sitting alone. Poor Freya, she don't have any friends in the classroom. I mean I don't have one too, just yet. "Freya!" I called. Someone looked at me suspiciously. 

???: Hey, is she your girlfriend or something?

Zilong: (slightly blushing) No, but can I have your name first?

???: My name is Moscov.

Zilong: Oh, hi Moscov. This is Zilong and the girl I was calling is Freya.

Freya: Hi Moscov.

Moscov: Hi Freya. Hey guys, meet my girlfriend Selena. 

Selena: Hi guys!

Zilong: So many 'hi's hahaha...

Freya: Lol, ok when is the class starting? 

The teacher came in as soon as she said. He introduced himself as Ms. Lolita She seemed like a tank that was hard to believe she is an offense class.  "Oh guys, I forgot. I used to be a pro tank player in the MLBB league but now I work as a teacher because I wanted to have some rest from the pressure. " She said. "So let's start the class." Entering the MLBB pro league is everyone's dream in the land of dawn. Those people will get awarded with honor, rich, and so much stuff! While everyone was trying to get in, it was odd that Ms.Lolita quitted her star life. The class wasn't boring compared to Mr. Tigreal's. Maybe it's because he's a young teacher so he knows what students like and hate. 

Zilong: Freya?

Freya: Yes?

Zilong: Can you do the thing I asked before?

Freya: What?

Zilong: You know you know. (smirks)

Freya: (confusion) What?

Zilong: (whispers to Freya) Putting your lips here. (pointing his cheek)

Freya: (blushing) S..stop!

Lolita: I see you guys are doing those 'couple' stuff in the classroom, but can you guys at least be quiet for others?

Zilong&Freya: (both blushing) Fine....

Moscov POV

It was kinda funny to see those to-be-couples sitting together playing around. I barely hold my laugh when our teacher Lolita was warned them. "What's so funny?" Selena asked with no clue. "Look what they're doing." I said to her. Then she understood. "Oh...." She said. "I see, they will get used to it when they become a couple." I chuckled. "I know right." She smiled as well. The rest of the class was just normal as a class. The next class is... lecture! They will teach us about all the marksman only technique to me! I'm so excited about this! As I opened the door, the marksman teacher, Mr. Bruno was waiting us for there. "Hello class! This is the first day of marksman class! I have so much to teach!" He showed his shiny teeth. "I used to be a pro soccer player, but now I work as a teacher because, you know, sometimes people wants break from their life." 

Zilong POV

As 'we' entered our classroom, our teacher, Kaja greeted us. "Welcome students, you guys seem like a couple?" He kind of smirked (?) at me. I tried to not blush and politely say "We're just friends." I could see Freya blushing too. She likes me too? Hmm... this will be fun. I always thought school was just a boring place where you waste your time. However, now, that I'm in same classes with Freya, the school sure is fun. 


:ㅁ Hope you enjoy it!!!!! (omg why is author's note so short in this chapter)
Comments, votes, suggestions are appreciated!

Have a nice day!

-last updated: July 28, 2020

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