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This scenario has been stuck on my mind for a while so I figured I would write it out

I bend down and grab a handful of strawberries, placing them into my basket. I overlook the field, halfway done. "Maybe I should take a small break", I say as I wipe a bead of sweat off of my forehead.

I enter our cabin through the back door and walk lazily to our bedroom. There I see Emily, writing down some notes. " Hey y/n, done so soon?", she questions. "Nah, just taking a break. It's so hot out today." I plop onto the bed and watch my beautiful girlfriend focus on her notes.

Emily suddenly stops writing and looks up at me. "Why are you staring at me? ", she chuckles.
" You're just too cute to not admire ", I reply. Emily smiles and stands up, walking towards the bed.

She pushes me down and starts drowning me in kisses. "Em", I giggle in between kisses. " I have to get back to work." I start to stand up, letting our kiss linger for a bit. Her lips were so soft, I could kiss them all day. I slowly depart her and get back to work, daydreaming about her as I pluck the strawberries.

I'm so lucky to call her mine.

Oh to run away with Emily and be cottage core lesbians. This book will be shorter stories and scenarios when I don't feel like writing my main book. Hope you like it! Maybe comment ideas for future chapters

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