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I lie in my bed, a bit tired. I wasn't able to sleep last night because I'm super excited. Today is Emily and I's one year anniversary! She said she has something planned but I'm not sure what.

"Good morning.", Emily says as she walks into our bedroom. She's holding a try full of food. " I made you breakfast. " "Aw, thank you", I say as I take the tray from her and give her a quick kiss. " Get dressed as soon as you finish eating, I have surprise for you.", she says and walks away.

I eat quickly and get ready for the day. I walk into the living room, but don't see Emily there. I suddenly hear a honk from outside(don't flinch challenge go) and see that she's waiting for me  in the car. I get in and she hands me a blind fold. I take it and slowly put it on.

I hear the engine start up and she starts driving. Maybe 20 minutes passed until she finally parked. "You can take it off now. ", Emily says. I untie the blind fold and look at the scene in front of me.

Emily had brought us to the park where we met. The place that led me to the best person in my life. My eyes teared up a bit as I tuned to her and slammed my lips into hers. She pulled away after a bit and we got out the car.

Emily layed down a picnic blanket and we sat on it, cuddling. Her warm smile always cheered me up. We stayed there until late in the afternoon. I cherished every moment, knowing that she's mine.

Sorry this is so bad lmao. I'm pretty tired rn but I'll make a better chapter soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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