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then you appeared before me, with a warm smile, you held out your hand

after long exhausting week, theres amount of exam to study for. you excused yourself to go to the bathroom.

you walk toward the end of the bathroom and you slid down onto the walls and pull your hoodie over you.

you just kept crying and crying. letting all your emotions out from bottling it so long.
why do i have to suffer so much when im only trying my best and being kind to everyone?

but you didn't notice that yuxin open the door and saw you breaking down. it made her heart hurts.

yuxin walk up to you and tapped your head, making you look up to her.

you sniffed", oh hi yuxin,"while wiping your snot

yuxin gave her warm smile and held out her hands.

you grab her hand and stood up, yuxin immediately hugs you and gently caressing your back. you just started crying again.

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