Chapter 7: Damon and Elena's wedding!

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Today is July 4th, 2020, It's the wedding day of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert. 

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The wedding was taking place at The Salvatore House like Stefan and Caroline's wedding

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The wedding was taking place at The Salvatore House like Stefan and Caroline's wedding. The bride, Elena was super nervous, she was writing her vows to her almost-to-be-husband, she wanted to make sure that Damon would cry when she's reading him her vows. Bonnie, Caroline, Katherine, Lizzie, Josie, and Lily were in the bride's room to get ready for the wedding. Bonnie said, "Elena, I'm so sorry for being jealous of Caroline." Caroline than said, "Wait a minute your jealous of me, Bonnie Bennett I would never of guessed, I mean your this badass witch with amazing powers, while I'm still a vampire." Bonnie said, "Care, I was jealous because you were Elena's brides-maid/wedding planner, but I'm over it." Bonnie said, "Elena you've dated, Matt, Stefan, and Damon, but first things first, Matt was your freshman high school boyfriend, than all of a sudden it was Stefan, you two were together for almost 3 in a half years, but than you dated Damon, and I hate to say it your like Katherine, but hey Stefan's got Caroline, and you have Damon. But at the end of the day you've married your soul mate for life!" 

In Damon's room he got ready, and was writing his vows to Elena. Stefan, Jacob Damon, and Matthew Forbes were also getting ready. Stefan said, "Well brother today is the day you get to marry Elena Gilbert the girl that once dated me, and than was sired to you but than finding out that she really does love you. I mean you were with, Caroline, and Andie, oh wait a minute that was my fault I killed Andie, sorry Andie rest in peace. But out of all the relationships you kept Elena safe and made sure no one would hurt her, and today you get to marry her!" Jeremy came in and said, "Damon are you ready to marry my sister?" Damon said, "Hell yes!" 

The wedding was about to begin, Damon walked out with his mother Lily Salvatore, the piano was playing and Stefan and Caroline came out with there 3 kids, Jacob, Matthew and Lily, Bonnie and Enzo came out, Katherine and Jeremy came out next, Alaric and the twins were out and they were doing there flower girls duty, finally it was time for Elena and Jeremy to walk down the aisle, Damon kept starring at Elena because he thought that she was the most beautiful bride that he's ever seen, Jeremy was walking with her because, Jeremy and Elena's dad and mom died years ago and he said that he would proudly walk her down. Jeremy than said, "I give my sister to marry this man." Stefan who was going to marry them asked everyone, "Ladies and Gentlemen could you please take your seats. We are gather here today on a beautiful 4th of July, where these two amazing people include, my brother, and my sister-in-law, Elena. Now did you two write your own vows?" Damon and Elena both said, "Yes!" Stefan said, "Brother why don't you read yours." Damon than read out his vows to Elena, "Elena Gilbert when I met you I thought that I saw a ghost of my past, but what I saw was a beautiful girl, that would always laugh at my jokes, but once I got to know you I fell deeply in love with you, we were friends in the beginning than we became lovers that love each other each day and each year. Elena Gilbert I'm so glad that I met you, and I love you babe!" Stefan than said, "Elena would you like to read your vows?" Elena than said, "Yes!" Elena than read out loud her vows to Damon, "Damon Salvatore, I haven't met a man that would risk everything to protect a person like myself from danger, and from bad guys, but you would never give up on me when I lost my memory of you, you would remind me every day that you love me no matter what happens, I mean when you proposed to me in Paris, it was the right moment because at that moment I said yes because I can't see myself with anyone else but you, I look at your mom, and I see that I have a mother-in-law, that would be a role model to me since me and Jer lost our family, but now I get to have a brother, and momma Salvatore, I love you!" Stefan than said, "Girls do you want to bring Uncle Damon and Aunt Elena there wedding bands?" Josie and Lizzie came up and gave, Elena her wedding ring to Damon and Damon to give his wedding band to Elena. Stefan said, "Damon do you take this woman to be your wife for the rest of your life?" Damon says, "I do!" Stefan asks Elena the same question, and she says, "I do!" Stefan than says, "You may now kiss your bride!" Damon and Elena kissed as a married couple!" Stefan says, "Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore!" 

When Elena and Damon walked down the aisle, they went inside because the party was just about to begin

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When Elena and Damon walked down the aisle, they went inside because the party was just about to begin.  

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