Chapter 50

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Third person's POV:

With Todd's relying technical airport skills, Skye and Adam searched the airport to try to find Harry and Zayn. It wasn't seven yet but passangers must check in two hours in advance before boarding the flight. The blonde and her friend had searched high and low to find those two British singers, the airport was big, too big for Skye's liking. She hated big things- like surpirses.

 They found them, sitting near the Dome café was the two very famous, talented celebrities. Luckily, they were wearing their disguises, so no one would recognise them, hopefully. Skye was curious about the attention they're bringing toward the two boys, would they get caught in the crowded airport?

There was only one way to find out.

"Zayn!" Skye's voice bought her enough attention from the Bradford boy.

He was scared to turn around due to the bad luck of him being in airports, twice he has experienced being bombarded by fans and now this is the third time. But to his surprise, it wasn't a fan who called his name, it was the woman he'd been trying to avoid the whole time, the woman who constantly snapped his heart into pieces.

A part of him wanted to hug her and bring her close to him, so he could feel complete again. That part of him wanted to forgive her and pretend nothing has ever happened as long as they're together. The other part wanted to ignore her so she could feel what it was like to be hurt, he wanted to hurt her as she hurt him. But he couldn't do that, he wasn't this type of person.

He needed to tell her he was doing okay without her, that he was still living his life as a dream of his. Zayn didn't need Skye as much as he thought he would, but he still needed her whether he liked it or not.

"What are you doing here?" Zayn's voice rang with nervousness and panic.

Skye's beautiful face came closer to him as she pressed her lips to his. The warmth of Zayn's lips surprised her, he was drinking coffee before, of course they were warm. Zayn's hand made its way to the back of her head, and the other supported her back. He missed this; the feeling of being loved again. He missed her.

Things were starting to get hot when the kiss deepened, and things were getting awkward for the people around them. It was a kiss little kids weren't allowed to see, hell, it was a kiss nobody was allowed to see. Zayn heard a click then a light flash followed after, somebody took a picture, but he didn't care because he was with her, no paparazzi can change that.

"Oh cut the PDA!" Harry's hands interrupted the two love birds, "what are you doing here? Got more damage to do?"

"No," Skye shook her head, "I only came here to apologise."

"Your apologies are not accepted here," Harry snapped.

"Shut up, Harry. I can speak for myself," Zayn announced.

Harry backed away with his hands in the air to show defense.

"Um, thank you for that kiss," Zayn managed mutter out his words, "but was it to represent a goodbye?"

"Look, here's the thing, I'm really sorry for all the damage I had caused and for all the things I said. It was clear that I had no idea what to do with my life even though it's going no where. I should've listened to Quinn and Valerie to break up with Brian and now that I have, never in my life have I felt so free!

"I don't expect you to forgive me for what I've done but I just want you to know that I've spent the whole morning planning this speech and I forgot some of it so I'm improvising here and I don't even know if I'm making any sense," she shrugged and laughed nervously, "but I know you're the only thing that makes sense in my life, not my job, not my family and friends, but you."

I'll Fight For You (Zayn Malik)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora