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It was an average Monday morning in the Carter household

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It was an average Monday morning in the Carter household. Nathan's work alarm went off at the same time it did every day, six on the dot. His wife, Dawn's, limbs were wrapped tightly around the man, groaning in protest as he tried to leave the bed, "Can't you just stay home, today?" The woman pouted, "Our wedding anniversary is definitely holiday-worthy, Christmas pales in comparison."

The dark-haired man chuckled, "Oh, no doubt about that," He broke free from her grasp, kissing her on the nose in response to her pouting face, "I don't think my boss celebrates it though, he's Jewish," He began to laugh at his own joke as he started getting ready for the day.

Dawn propped herself up on her elbows and watched her husband as he got dressed, paying extra attention to his behind as he bent over to grab his pants, "Remind me again why your department doesn't do those sexy firemen calendars, because I'd buy twenty," She told him with a smirk, "Which month would you be? I'm thinking September."

"Why September?" He asked.

"Fall just goes with your whole aura," She smiled, "You just suit the shades of the turning leaves, reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. Warm colors for a warm person," The woman explained as she fell back against her pillow, "A caring, compassionate, selfless person."

"I thought it was supposed to be sexy," Nathan grinned, falling back into bed next to her.

Dawn furrowed her brows, "Hey, compassion is sexy. Why do you think I married you?"

"Oh, so it wasn't for my kegstand abilities?" He asked, recounting the night the two first met. It was at a college frat party, Nathan nor his friend Aaron- who was holding her future husband's legs up as he drank beer upside down for nearly a minute- were in the frat. But Nathan was pretty convincing, and Aaron had just finished his last finals for the semester- otherwise, he would've said no, since studying law was extremely time-consuming. So, the two best friends went to the party. And as Nathan was being praised by frat boys, he saw Dawn staring at him. Of course, she looked away as soon as he saw her, but he saw her. He swore cupid was attending the party as well because he felt his heart race.

"Unfortunately, no," Dawn laughed, "I think you'd crack your head open if you tried it now."

Nathan pursed his lips, nodding in agreement, "Yeah, that sounds about right," He kissed her on the forehead and grabbed her by the hands, "C'mon, honeybun, let's get up."

Dawn let her body go limp as her husband dragged her from the bed, hitting the ground soft thud, "I don't wanna," She said, but complied anyway, getting up and changing out of her pajamas.

"Why don't you do a sexy painter calendar?" He asked her, sticking out his tongue before retreating to the kitchen to start making his family breakfast.

Dawn smiled to herself, staring at her exposed thighs in her bedroom mirror. She had her insecurities, her stretch marks, and cellulite, but Nathan never cared. He looked passed them, appreciating her as a whole, flaws and all- because they weren't flaws at all to him. She pulled on her jeans, giving one last look in the mirror before following her husband's path to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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