Chapter 2

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I sluggishly walked up the stairs,to the bedroom,with the bed linen in my arms. My eyes immedaitely fell upon Dominic and my stomach rejected in disgust. He sat on the bed,watching television,acting as if nothing had happened like a total ass. I was glaring at him for so long that his eyes finally met mine and a smug grin was on his face. I simply stared right back at him,dropping the sheets on the carpeted floor.

"Are you going to ask me to get off the bed,"he asked basically teasing me,smiling widely.

"May you please get off the bed so I can put the linen on the mattress,"I annoyingly asked,rolling my eyes.

"No,"he blankly replied.

"Why,"I said,slightly raising my voice.

"The way you asked was honestly greatly pathetic.So now you have to give me something."

My breath instantly hitched and my body softly began to shake.I really hope he wasn't thinking of sex. I'm way to sore from last night and truthfully the thought makes me wanna to vomit.

"A kiss,"he finally said,biting his lip.

All the muscles in my body immediately relaxed and I let out a long sigh. It wasn't a hard task and somehow,a morsel of my soul wanted to kiss him.I had a bit of hope that he was the same person I fell in love with.Honestly, I never thought I could ever not love him. But my consicious is telling me to refuse his demand and curse at him.On the other hand my heart is telling me to stay. I'm just really lost and confused,yet I shouldn't be.

I slowly made my way over to him,as he watched my body move across the room and his eyes softened.Once I was standing on the left side of the bed,he grabbed my wrists and guided me to straddle his lap. His eyes traveled to my lips as his hand went to my face,causing me to flinch.His thumb softly carressed my left cheek and grazed my lips.Dominic inched his face closer and closer until I could his lips slightly touched mine.

My eyes began to swell with tears as I observed him carefully.I wasn't scared anymore.I was shocked at how sweet and attentitive he was treating me.Just like he used to be.These are the things I missed about him before he did all that shit to me.I let out a small sigh once his lips connected to mine and his hands traveled to my waist,pushing me closer to his chest.Our lips melted together and our breaths started to grow heavy.Caught in the moment,my hand traveled to his black hair,pulling and wanting more,letting a moan rumble in my throat.

   Then suddenly,Dominic pulled away with a smirk on his face.

"At'ta girl,"he whispered,lifting his hand to touch my breast and kiss me,but I quickly slapped him,disgusted by his attempts,soon regretting it.The lust in his eyes and the smile on his face quickly vanished.I tried to get off his lap but he jerked me back against his body and flipped us over,with him on top of me. I let out a heart-wrenching,hoping someone would hear,as he began to grind his crotch against mine,nibbling on my neck and traveling up to do the same to my earlobe.Dominic started to mumble threats to me as if they were lullabies.

"Don't you ever fucking dare,do that again,"he said,wrapping and squeezing his large hand around my neck."Do you understand?"

I was now crying miserably unable to barely speak or breath.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND,"he yelled,looking my directly in my teary eyes.I nodded frantically,not wanting to piss him off even more.

"Good,now I have to go to the bathroom and when I come out you better be fucking here,ready for your punishment,"he exclaimed,letting go of my neck,causing me to gasp for air.Punishment?Once Dominic closed the door,I realized that this was my chance to escape.And the sooner I leave,the less of a chance he has of catching me. 'It's now or never,'my subconsicious says. And she was right. I quickly put on some sweats and shoes,rushing to get out of his hell called home.

Walking to the doorway,I could hear the bathroom door open and I looked back to see a puzzled but angry Dominic,ready to kill.

"Where the hell do you think you're going," he asked,making his way over to me.Not even responding,I made a mad dash down the stairs as I heard Dominic's heavy footsteps following. I quickly unlocked the door and running somewhere local.Behind me,I could hear him yelling profanities and threats as he was running behind me,suprising me that he hadn't caught up with me,but glad he didn't.

I was now running in the dangerous parts of New York,spotting drugged prostitutes and mysterious men lurking around.I tried not to bump into people otherwise it would start a riot,allowing Dominic to catch up.My legs were aching and my heart was beating rapidly.I couldn't hear heavy footsteps behind me anymore or him cursing for me to stop,so I ran into a dark alley,attempting to maintain my breathing.A couple of minutes passed by,I saw Dominic speedily striding calling my name,sweating and panting.

After waiting awhile to let him pass,I began to emerge from the darkness and start to jog the opposite way.I looked behind me to see if Dominic realized he had been outsmarted,and as soon as I turned my head back, I knocked into someone's hard chest,causing me to fall flat on my ass.I was hoping it wasn't Dominic who had fooled me instead or a gang who wanted to use me for their pleasure.I slowly raised my head,only to see the most beautiful green eyes,staring down at me.His eyebrows furrowed as he took his hand out of his jean pocket and held out his hand.

"Need help,love,"he asked,with his deep,velvet voice.His frown was now gone and a smirk was plastered on his face,as his brown curls slightly moved in the light breeze.When I grabbed his hand, I noticed he had a cross tattooed on his hand and a small shock traveling from my fingertips to my body.His eyes were still looking into mine,smiling,as my heart skipped.

Who is this suspicious yet handsome man?

I know I haven't updated in forever I was trying to see how the story would go.But I hope you like it.Also check out my imagines with Harry Styles,ugh isn't he just perfect lol.I also take request too.Oh and please vote or comment  for some feedback,Other than that hope everyone has or had a great day xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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