Chapter Sixteen...

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Chapter Sixteen...


“Hey guys…”

“Mom is an angle now…?”

I nodded and Erin continued as Daniel stared.

“Mommy wanted you to have this.”

She handed me a letter and went to sit down next to my mom, on it, it said “don’t open unless something happens to me to: Jackson” I opened and began reading the letter.

Dear Jackson,

                  If anything ever happens to me, I want you to know something, I have a surprise for you, I never told you this because I was afraid what you would think of me, I was scared you would think I was a slut…when I was twelve years old something happened to me…I was at home one night and had a bad argument with my mom because she embarrassed me in front of a guy I liked, we argued for hours till I finally just ran out of the house, I sat on the front steps for a little bit before I decide to walked to the candy store to pick up my favorite candy bar, on the way back home a man in a white van stopped and asked me if I wanted a lift, since I was crying and was mad at my mother at the time I  wasn’t thinking and accepted, big mistake, he didn’t drive me home, instead he drugged and reaped me and repeated stabbing me in my chest attempting to kill me, next thing I remember, I woke up in a hospital bed with my mother by my side, my mom was cry as she noticed I woke up, she kept saying “I’m sorry Madison, this is all my fault, if I just didn’t’, I remember cutting her off by saying “did he get away with my candy too…?”,about a week later I started throwing up, every night, thinking it was just because of the medication I was taking or delayed nerves, I didn’t take it seriously, till a week of throwing up grew to a month, my mom dragged me to the hospital and that was the day I found out I was having a baby, or should I say twins I hope you don’t hate me for not telling you this, after that I moved away, please forgive me as I could trust no one with this information because of the fear he would come back for us. I love you Jackson, and I will never ever forget you.

Love always and forever…

Madison xox

Ps. it’s Erin and Daniel…

Everything made sense now, why Madison was so close with them, why Mrs. Jackson never seemed to be worried unlike Madison, why when I see them I see her in their eyes...

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