A/N: it's not Friday or 1am on Saturday but Monday was yesterday and now I want to occasionally post on Monday's so accept this chapter as a late Monday chapter, thank youu <3
_Savarine & the Nameless_
A week and three days. That was how long they had been in the musty old dungeon for. Savarine's stomach burned in protest of the lack of food. They hardly fed you anything down here, and most of it was not that good anyway. A meal of slop, muddy looking water and stale bread. The first two days she struggled to eat it but it dawned on her that she might be here for longer than an empty stomach could sustain, so she had ended up forcing herself to choke the stuff down despite how nauseous the process made her.
Ryus and Kehan didn't seem to have much of a hard time with the food. In fact, they seemed to be fine as they worked out within their cells whenever the guards weren't watching and whenever they were not conversing about escape plans with the girl and her brother. If Eric was having a hard time down here, he didn't show it. The man was quick to bare his stress like a pro as usual. Savarine thought his ability to keep his cool in these situations was admirable.
There had been many conversations during these past four days about escape, but none had been accomplished. Ryus claimed to be able to lock pick but the issue there had been that there was nothing any of them had that could lock pick a door like this. Another plan was to rob the guards but those brutes would not converse with them, only leave them meals and tell them to shut up. The windows were steadily barred so there would be no escape through them.
They would need to happen across something strong enough for Ryus to pick a lock with. But there was no way to contact anyone to come down here with something to help them escape. Not that such a person would be able to make it past the guards with anything good enough to pick the locks. It was almost as if in order to escape, someone from the outside had to break in and incapacitate the guards. All four of them knew that was not an option.
Savarine brought her hand up to the stream of light that came in through the barred window. She watched it in the shine, slowly turning it and grasping at it as though it was something to touch. It was the only pretty thing down here as it lit up the glowing dust particles with its yellow rays as though they were tiny stars. The light felt soft against her skin and she found herself missing the open plains of Fordorne. She found herself now missing the horse she had grown up with, and her little gremlin siblings and sweet mother. She should have never insisted on coming to the capital with her father and brothers.
Ryus and Kehan spoke to each other softly in their native language. Savarine did not know what it was they were saying but after four days of this behaviour, she found herself no longer caring. "We're not going to escape." She spoke out now, as she dropped her hand from the light and leaned back against the hard stone wall. Eric looked over at her and sighed.
"You don't know that," He offered.
"Oh but I do. We're in the capital- they have the most guards here compared to the other lordling lands. Even if we got out of our cells, where would we go? What would we do to escape the guards that number us thousands to only four? We either die in these cells or on the chopping block." She said pessimistically, looking down at her lap in scorn.
"Have confidence, you never know what might happen," Kehan offered her.
Savarine looked up at the foreign man now. "How do you manage to be so optimistic? Even your buddy knows when something's amiss." She motioned to Ryus who looked in worse shape than his friend.
Ryus hummed out first before he decided to speak up. "We will likely be pulled for execution soon, and it does not look like we're going to escape soon." His expression darkened. "It looks like we are done for."

Seven Souls |Updates Fridays|
Fantasy-Subject to sudden edits- Magic is dead, or this is just what has been assumed for thousands of years. Now regarded as myth and legends, varying individuals will soon prove everyone wrong. We all face changes in our lives, but no one ever expected...