The problem

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today I would've never thought that I would be seeing the white, blank bathroom walls and the bright lights shinning in my eyes. My stomach is growling loud as can be. I can hear the each individual drops of water hitting the bottom of the sink. Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop. The annoyance is increasing as each drop gets closer in frequency. Where could I be? Was I in a different dimension where things could be exponentially different. Where am I? My head throbs as I pick it up. I squint my eyes up to the light and stand up. I stood up so quickly that I did not noticed the puddle of water on the floor. My feet swiftly slip under me and my head hits the only porcelain in the room. The toilet, what a great object to come in contact with, full force and head first. What a score! If you couldn't tell that was my sarcasm. It in fact is not fun to hit your head with any object. Well by this time I have passed out again. All I saw was black darkness. It circled around my head like a dark abyss. I could do nothing. I could feel nothing really. It was cold. It was the frosty type of cold that bit at your fingertips. I had then realized that it was a possibility that I was dead. Death, why so soon. But I automatically sat up and realized that I did not die. I lifted my hand to feel the huge baseball sized knot on my head. It was bleeding heavily, so I crawled with all my energy towards the toilet paper. I pulled it down with a hard tug and the paper came tumbling. I wrapped my head to stop the bleeding. I constantly told myself, "how did I get here?".

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