harry was bored and looking through some of his old parchments until the door slammed open. 'pottah', harry knew that voice of the top of his head. 'what do you want malfoy?', harry said, every day draco would always burst inside the gryffindor common room and harry was getting sick of it. 'seen as though the school dance is in a few days and blaise is going with pansy, i won-' harry had stopped draco right there and gently whispered 'yes'. draco went back to the slytherin common room full of excitement and harry couldn't wait to tell ron and hermione but first he had to get some sleep, he had to listen to hermione talk about books all day and he really wasn't bothered. the next day ron and hermione were suddenly woken up with harry in their faces 'ron,hermione guess who invited me to the school dance' hermione and ron could already guess who had invited him but didn't want to let harry down so they just guessed random students, and were slowly getting fed up of the word 'no'. so finally, 'was it malfoy?' they both said unision. harry  let out a sigh of relief and shouted 'YES' and harry nearly started crying he couldn't believe malfoy had finally invited him to the school dance, he'd been waiting ages for draco to ask him but he never had the nerve. harry,ron and hermione walked down the gloomy corridors and a face they all recognised gently said 'hello harry, have you got anyone to go to the dance with?', 'yes luna' harry slowly answered, luna started getting jumpy and excited 'who,who,who,who?' harry ron and hermione all gave her a look as if to say 'you know who' and she soon figured it out. harry saw draco in the great hall and they both bit their lips. draco and harry were both a bit nervous for the dance but were also excited it was only 7 hours away. harry was reading books with hermione while he waited for the time to pass while draco was talking to blaise and pansy about what to talk about and how to not make it awkward, he didn't get much out of the conversation though, crabbe and goyle just ate through half the conversation while pansy and blaise were actually trying to give advice but it was hopeless so draco just gave up. 2 hours had passed and they were all bored out of their minds, harry ron and hermione had a few visits from neville, luna and ginny, finally there were two more hours until the dance, draco,harry and ron were playing board games in the gryffindor common room, while crabbe, goyle,pansy and blaise were sorting out outfits, finally after some time had passed it was time for the dance. draco had his suit on, he mainly wore black half the time, harry's hair was a bit messy and he also had a suit on. hermione had a yellow dress while ron was on a whole different level, crabbe or goyle didn't sort his outfit out, neither did pansy or blaise, the only person they could think of was molly, ron hoped they were wrong, but as usual ron was given some hand me down robed from his mother molly weasley. it was finally time,  draco and harry left ron and hermione while they  danced the night away, blaise and pansy were all the way at the back of the great hall drinking butterbeer and eating chocolate frogs. when the night had finished harry couldn't stop thinking about draco. and draco couldn't stop thinking about harry. they definitely had feelings for each other but had no clue how they were going to tell one another. the next day they had potions class with snape and harry got paired up with draco. all draco did was fall asleep and mumble while he was sleeping but harry couldn't quite work out what Draco was mumbling, snape was rambling on and all harry could think about was Draco, he couldn't stop thinking about their dance together, dracos hands were so warm and small and harry loved it, their hands were nearly the same size and they both laughed so hard when draco accidentally stepped on harry's foot. harry had missed dracos cologne, he desperately wanted to be back in the Slytherin common room so bad it was massive in there compared to the gryffindor common room, he was just hoping soon enough he could show Draco the Gryffindor common room. if only he could tell draco that him and ron used polyjuice and pretended to be crabbe and goyle, he desperately wanted to tell draco but he didn't. the next day draco was waiting for him, they both walked down the corridors together, draco was hurting inside but he didn't want to tell anyone since it was a quidditch game later on and didn't want to put anyone off but most importantly he didn't want to put himself off. harry could see draco was hurting so he finally decided to ask him what was wrong, 'that filthy little mudblood' he replied with rage, 'she always gets compliments and always gets straight A's', 'what do i get? nothing, you know what i mean pottah?' harry knew exactly what he meant. it hurt him to say it but harry replied with 'i know exactly how you're feeling draco, i've been there done that and if you ever need anyone to talk to i'm always here, and you know where i'll be', the rest of the class was really awkward between them two because draco couldn't think of a reply and his face was as red as a cherry. at the end of class they were trying to make a batch of felix felicia, romilda vane needed extra help from hermione but she knew exactly why she needed to make sure it was perfect, ron made a 'few' explosions while hermione's was perfect. draco and harry in the meantime where just talking throughout the whole thing and weren't even making felix felicia, they were both unintentionally making love potions while day dreaming, the potions also came out perfect. when they finally snapped out of their daydreams they just stared at each other for a hot minute then drank the potions thinking they were felix felicia and instantly they kissed when everyone was looking, they weren't embarrassed or humiliated though. they were so happy later on, harry and draco were planning to talk tomorrow, harry was on his way to the slytherin common room when he realised he had homework tomorrow, he had no clue what he was going to do, hermione was no where in sight and he desperately wanted to see draco but he didn't want to cancel on draco tomorrow by spending the day in detention for not bringing in homework. harry heard a scream 'pottah!' to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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