Chapter 1: Once Upon A Spy

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It was a beautiful starry night in Paris, France. The full moon casting its silver light upon the streets below, gleaming off the famed Eiffel Tower. Every street lined with people of all shapes and sizes; some local, some tourists. Nothing but a flourish of movements, no two exactly alike yet all moving together in a unique harmony, a beautiful imperfection.

A party was taking place in a luxurious hotel ballroom with a view overlooking all the city of lights had to hold. It was an elite party, you could only get in by invitation and only those of the highest status had been lucky enough to receive one. The entry way was a flourish of fancy gowns and expensive suits. Greetings and introductions were being traded, hands were shaken and smiles were shared. A beautiful string quartet ballet flowed from the double mahogany doors as laughter filled the air. Couples waltzed across the large dance floor and business deals were discussed over a bottle of 1865 Chateau Lafite.

The host, one Matteo Motte, was a young man with sleek blond hair and wide brown eyes. He had a slightly pointed nose and a wide jaw that would have been distracting had it not been for the large mustache on his upper lip. Motte was only twenty-six and was to receive the family fortune with the passing of his uncle, Antonio Motte. The Motte family had been in the law business for years, and owned a thriving world-renowned law firm. That is until Antonio developed a bit of a gambling problem, before his passing he managed to gamble away over half of the family fortune, bankrupting them. Their law firms were put out of business and the families reputation destroyed.

Until three months ago when the account numbers jumped from zero to three million in one night. Of course this had peaked the interest of several government agencies and a great deal of socialites. Rumors had run wild, everything ranging from drug dealing rinks to selling his soul to the devil for a quick buck. Motte had of course waved these rumors off as nonsense and assured the public that he'd managed to stow away some of his families fortune where his uncle couldn't get to it. This had appeased the publics curiosity and with no proof to the contrary the government agencies had dropped the case.

All but one that is.

The Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division wasn't that easily fooled. They knew something was amiss the second they dug into the case. It was found that, while he hid it well, Motte had been receiving monthly payments from an off shore account. It was suspected that the man had gotten involved in the crime rink to regain his family fortune and drag his family name out of the gutter, but without hard proof the man was untouchable. Of course, with S.H.I.E.L.D on the case it wasn't over until they had what they were looking for.

~ Once Upon A Spy ~

A slim women made her way across the dance floor, a glass of red wine at hand. Her frame fitting black dress fell down to the floor and complimented well with her head of fiery red curls that fell down to frame her face like a flaming waterfall. It looked as if she had been pulled directly from a fashion catalogue. She fit in quite well with the flashy party gowns and expensive decor, it was because of this that no one so much as batted an eye in her direction.

She brought a hand up to her ear under the pretense of fixing one of the flashy diamond earrings. The communication divide was hidden well, unnoticeable unless you were truly looking for it.

"Target in sight," her voice was soft and delicate. Not what one would expect from a professional assassin.

"Are you in position?" Her voice was well hidden among the noise of the party goers.

"Position locked," a voice spoke through her earpiece, one that was distinctly male, "Black Widow you are go for confrontation."

The woman's glossy red lips pulled into a smirk and her wine glass found its way onto a passing waiters tray. She expertly weaved through the throng of people, making her way towards the bar.

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