One hell of a day

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The sun shined through the trees at the most magnificent view. Shining bright and full of life. However that light soon faded, covered by clouds. Perhaps it will turn into a rainy day? Splashes of water can be heard in the distance, being splashed onto someone's face. Rose. She had stopped at a large puddle of water, splashing it onto her face. At least it helped get the stray dirt or dust off her face. "At least today is cooler. She muttered, standing up to her feet. Her ghost, Raven, appeared beside her. "It seems like it's going to rain." Raven clicked out, watching the sky. As if right on cue, lightning went off, followed by thunder. The loud bang went everywhere, echoing through the forest. It began to sprinkle, the drops getting heavier. A sigh of some sorts came from Raven. "Seems right on cue." he muttered, floating closer to Rose. She pulled the hood of her jacket over her head, very carefully pulling him close by his shell. Raven floated into her hood, using it as shelter. The rain began to get heavier, into sheets. The rain bounced off her jacket, leaving drops of rain on her. "Come on. Let's get back to camp." Rose said, turning to go back the way she came. Raven clicked in agreement, so they could get out of this rain. Rose's boots crunched against the ground as she walked through the woods, determined to get back to camp. Raven disappeared inside her. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for any unexpected guests." Raven assured her. She nodded as she walked, stepping over a log. "Remind me why these so called Vanguard want me again." Rose spoke as she walked, stepping over another log. "When one is revived by a ghost, they are a guardian. Which is you. To protect the universe against any evil that may threaten to harm it. You choose which Vanguard may be your mentor. Hunter, Warlock, or Titan." Raven explained as Rose walked on. She hummed and nodded, arriving back at camp within a matter of minutes. The fire was still lit, barely clinging to life. Cursing, Rose marched over, to keep it lit. Twigs were tossed on, to keep the fire lit and strong. Her stomach growled with hunger, wanting food. Turning, Rose fiddled with some kind of stash in her tent, to see if she had any rations left. Sighing, she found one last of her rations. A can of peaches. "This is the last of my rations Raven. After this can, nothing is left." She said as she pulled the top off, beginning to munch away. Raven appeared beside her, the two in the tent. "Then I will have no choice but to call the Vanguard for help. You won't be able to survive out here another day Rose." Raven said worry in his tone, now floating in front of her, seriousness also evident in his tone. Finishing her can of peaches, she tosses the empty can to the side with a huff. "If that is what you have to do, then so-" she was cut off by a twig snapping. Raven spun around, checking the area. Rose kept quiet as he scanned the area, to see what was out there. The late afternoon sun was here, signaling it was almost dark. But the silence was cut by alien chatter, footsteps sounding close. "It's Fallen. I can't tell how many there are." Raven whispered to her. Rose narrowed her eyes as she watched them edge closer to camp, chatting to each other in their alien chatter of theirs. No way in hell she was going to let them steal anything that belongs to her, no way. "I'll deal with them. You just watch my back." Rose whispered back to Raven, who disappeared. A soft exhale escaped from her, getting out of her tent. Here goes nothing. Pulling the knife from the sheath it rested in, she gripped it tight. It seemed the patrol spotted her, telling by the way they aimed at her. One went to attack her at her left, whom she stabbed right in the neck, ending it's life. Another charged her straight head on, which she tripped, making him land face first into the fire. That has to seriously hurt. A captain stood stood a few feet before her, chatting away in their alien language. "All I hear is gibberish." Rose muttered, blood dripping from her knife. "Behind you!" Raven warned. She dodged to the left, dodging an attack from one of the others. The feeling of a leg connecting with her didn't feel good at all. Not at all. Rose got kicked a few feet away, landing on the ground with a thunk. Blood came from her nose and the breath was knocked right out of her, which wasn't a pleasant feeling. The captain and a few dregs stood a few feet before her, eyeing her down. "Are you alright Rose?" Raven chirped worringly. Giving a groan of pain, she slowly pulled herself up to her feet. At least her scar didn't reopen, thankfully. "I'll live. I been through much worse." She muttered, blood trickling from her nose still. The captain seemed to be ordering the few dregs to do something, in their alien language. The dregs moved to surround her, in a circle. Rose eyed them, gritting her teeth together. With one alien bark, they started to enclose on her. Rose threw her knife at one, sliding to the side to dodge an attack, pulling her knife from the dead dreg. This went on for a matter of minutes, before the dregs were dead. All sprawled out everywhere, lifeless. Now only stood the captain, still standing at where he was at before. He began to say something in his alien gibberish, not sounding happy at all. "I believe he called you weak and well, taunting you." Raven chirped in, not coming out. Rose huffed as she eyed him, wiping her blade clean on the body of a dreg, readying her stance. Inhaling a deep breath, she charged. The captain sliced at her with his sword, Rose dodging to the right. Jumping, she landed on his shoulders. The captain thrashed around, trying to get her off. Pulling her knife out once more, she stabbed him right at the side of his neck. He didn't go down so easily. Grabbing hold of rose, she was thrown at a tree. Yep she was going to feel that in the morning. Rose hissed in pain as she sat there on the ground, her bac against the tree. The captain yanked the knife out of his neck, throwing it to the side, starting to advance towards Rose. The air was knocked clean right out of her, her nose still bleeding. Scratches and cuts were there as well, but she can handle them. Her leg burned with pain, causing her to hiss at the pain. "Don't worry, help is coming." Raven told her, hopefulness in his tone. Her vision was blurry as the captain advanced towards her still. Just before he reached her, shots rang out. The hell? The captain fell down dead, lifeless. A ship landed, a figure rushing out. Rose couldn't see who it was, since her vision was blurry. The figure knelt down in front of her, looking over her wounds. "Don't worry Rose, she is here to help." Raven assured her, appearing. Rose groaned painfully as she was picked up, being carried to the ship. Once carried inside, she was set down in the co-pilots seat. The figure immediately got in the pilots seat, firing the ship back up. The ship lifted up, flying off in a flash. "Don't worry, we're going to get you fixed right up. We have good doctors and medics. They will fix you right up in no time." The unknown person told her, flipping a few switches. Sounded feminine. Rose's eyes were heavy, half closed. She just felt so tired, so exhausted. "I'll contact Zavala." Raven chirped out, noticing Rose's actions. Her eyes closed, seeing darkness overtake her. The ship came out of 'hyperspace' since they had arrived back at the Tower. Once landed inside the hanger, medics immediately came. Raven chirped worringly as Rose was taken out of the ship, to be taken to the medical bay. "What happened?" One of the medics asked Raven, taking Rose to the medical bay. Raven floated after them. "We were attacked by Fallen. Lots of them. The captain did a number on her. Where is Zavala?" Raven asked, arriving in the medical bay. Rose was laid down on a bed, immediately being worked on. "Zavala is on his way. Once he heard the news of her coming he said he would be here shortly." The medic answered, bandaging Rose's wounds and what not. Her leg was fine, not broken thankfully. She was stable. Raven floated over, watching her sleeping expression. She looked peaceful when she slept, she really did. Raven landed himself onto her neck, tucked into the side. He will be right here to protect her, from all evil and harm. Rose laid there in the bed, a blanket draped over her to keep her warm. A medic or two came by every now and then to check on her vitals and what not, just to check up on her. "She is still stable. Vitals are normal and stable. However it does seem she is a bit dehydrated." One medic told the other. "Once she wakes, give her some water. Poor thing has been through enough as it is." The other medic responded, the two leaving her to rest. She will need it after all that she has been through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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