The Birth

473 19 13

'It was the last day of the war between humans and the giant monsters: Kaiju. But to me, it was more than just history. It's family history.'

A woman with short red hair looked through her car mirror and saw the chaos unfold. The king of all monsters was destroying the city, breaking down buildings, burning stores, throwing cars, and basically reeking havoc throughout the land. Crowds and crowds of people ran past her car trying to get away from the coming danger. Screaming was heard along as loud growling and large footsteps approaching, causing the ground to shake and cracks to be made. Hell was heading her way

Instincts told the woman to get out of the car and flee. To save her life and get as far away from the incoming danger before it was too late, but for some reason, she couldn't. She knew she should be afraid -no terrified even, but for some reason, she wasn't. Not even in the least bit. In fact, she was the complete opposite. Instead of being filled with fear, she was filled with curiosity.

She stared at the humongous beast as it tore its way forward. Watching it crush nearby cars, and push its way through tall skyscrapers, causing rubble to fall on the streets. Then he suddenly took a deep breath, and seconds later unleashed a wave full of fire. Fire so hot that it could burn through iron and melt steel. So it was no wonder that it easily burned through the cement road.

The woman continued to watch the mighty beast as it terrorized the city and the people in it. Her eyes were full of wonder and amazement as she watches the King of the Kaiju. Pretty soon she starts studying his form. Long horns on each side of his head and one on top. Two rows of razor sharp teeth inside a long mouth, where all his fire exited from. Then came the rest of his form. Full, well-defined, muscles encased all over his body with a thick layer of red scales to cover them, making him look even more muscular. His figure was well shaped. His upper body consisted of a large chest which was accompanied by with what appeared to be an eight pack. Then came his strong legs and giant feet. On his back were a set of large wings which were tucked in tightly, so not to damage them. Then came his long tail, which was about 2/3 the size of of his body length.

She was struck with awe as she watched this magnificent beast. In her eyes, he was magnificent. So full of strength and power, and will. No wonder he was the King. She just could not take her eyes off him!

It was only when a large chunk of debris from a building landed right in front of her car that she jumped in surprise and snap out of her trance. Followed by his mighty roar that seemed to shake the entire city.

It was then that she noticed she forgot to breathe for a moment, which left her gasping and heart pounding. She leaned her head against the wheel and closed her eyes, trying to not only regain her breathing, but to stop the dizziness that overcame her. She didn't realize until now that her body was shaking, so she tried halting that as well. At the same time, she tried to figure out what the hell was the matter with her!

She never acted like this before. Not with anyone. So why was she acting like this now? Why did she have these thoughts about She never felt like that with anyone.

Was she....attracted to it? No! She couldn't be! Why would she? She was a human and he was a kaiju!! Its not natural! It wouldn't work!... Would it?

She opened her eyes, raised her head from the wheel, looked through her car mirror, and watched him. He continued his reign of terror as he crushed another car and swiped half of a building with his tail. There were still people running by trying to get away from the danger, and at the same time different jets and aircrafts flew around trying to shoot the giant beast with their missiles. However, none of them succeeded. In fact, they made even more destruction as their missiles hit nearby buildings, causing them to crumble to the ground.

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