Getting the Pokemon! (Victors POV)

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I wake up early in the morning and get dressed!

Mom shouts me to come and get some bacon she made me.

I walk over and grab the bacon as I open up PokeTube to watch Leon's match.

When I finish my food I put the plate back intending to clean it later.

As Leon's match ends Hop comes barging in!

"WHAT!!! WHO'S THEIR!!" I shout getting into a fighting position.

"Oh.. I-its you Hop.. Sorry about shouting their!"

"Its okay mate! I just wanted to tell you Lee is coming today!" "And you know Lee.. Always taking gifts!" He says in Joy "So you should find a big bag for the gifts!" "You never know how many Lee takes" He says sprinting off!

I drag myself to my bag blushing of akwardness.. In my head I thought "If he didn't like me then.. He definitely doesn't now.."

I pull myself together and go outside!

Hop is running off to his house!

He saw me and ran back for me in a rush. "Mate!!! Come on Lee might be there there!!"

He grabs my hand and runs pulling me along.

Blushing I say "H-Hop yo-you don't h-have t-"

He cuts me of "Whats with the stuttering? Something up? D-did I do something?"

He looks at his hands and saw him holding my hand..

He took away his hand fast! "Heh.. S-sorry mate.. Should we keep g-going..?" He says VERY awkwardly..

"Yeah.. L-lets continue going" I say with SO much blush o my face..

We continue but we walk instead of running...

Then I remember Gloria!

I pick up my phone and call her. She answers and I say "Gloria, come on get your bag!! Leon here today!!" I say to her fast.

"Wait wait wait wait... LEON'S HERE TODAY?!?" She shouts through the phone.

"Yes he is sis! I'm in front of Hops house right now! We ain't to far away! Come on now!!"I say in a rush

"But I need to e-" I cut her off. "We are gonna have a barbecue at Hops!" I say happy.

"Oh okay! I'll be there in a bit!" She says. She hangs up 

Hop X Victorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن