Break up prank

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Don't we all wish we were Y/N😔🤣



I was tired from a day full of walking around with my friends,

I walked into the house and locked the door behind me,

"Babe I'm back!!" I called out but there was no answer,

I put down my shopping bags at the door and walked to the livingroom and saw nate sitting on the couch watching TV,

"Hey Babe" I said, walking over to the couch to give nate a kiss,

But he pushed me away,

"Nate what's wrong?" I asked sitting down on the arm rest of the couch,

"Why are you so annoying!" He groaned out as he sat up in the chair,

"Well excuse me for wanting to kiss my boyfriend" I rolled my eyes at him,

"I don't want to kiss you, your mouth smells like fish" he said as he got up and walked to the kitchen,

"What?!" I was shocked nate would even say that,

I got off the arm rest and followed nate into the kitchen,

"Nat-" but he cut me off

"Why are you always so clingy, it's like I can't go anywhere without you behind me" he said opening the fridge,

"What's your problem?!!" I yelled at him as he closed the frigde and started walking out,

But he stopped and turned to me,

"You are my problem, asking you to be my girlfriend was the biggest mistake in my life" he shouted and walked back to the livingroom,

I gasped in shock and walked over to the couch where he sitting and stared down at him,

"Do you mean that?" I asked him,

"Every single word" he said not even meeting my eyes as he focused on the tv,

"Fine" I said running up the stairs to the bedroom,

I wiped at my eyes as tears threatened to fall,

Nate's POV

Shit I think I over did it,

I got up from the couch and ran up the stairs to hear sobs coming our room,

Yup definitely over did it,

I walked into the bedroom to see Y/N packing her clothes into a bag,

"Babe what are you doing?" I asked as I walked up to her,

She turned around to me and yelled,
"You have no right to call me babe because I'm not your girlfriend anymore, I don't want to be the biggest mistake in your life "

It hurt seeing Y/N cry and It was all because of me,

"Babe I'm sorry" I said, wrapping my arm around Y/N in a hug,

"No, Let me go, I'm leaving" she put her hands on my chest to push me away but I kept my arms around,

"Y/N it was prank I'm so sorry babe"

"What?" She sobbed out,

I released Y/N from my arms and grabbed the hidden camera,

"Not funny Nate" she said crossing her arms,

"I know and I'm sorry, can you forgive me?" I asked giving her my best puppy dog eyes,

"Fine I forgive you" she sighed but this was a victory for me,

I turned to the camera,

"So that went terribly bad but at least I still have my babygirl right?" I pointed the camera to Y/N

"I'm getting you back for this and you won't even see it coming" She smiled,

"Whatever you say babe, Team Nate all the way, that's all for today remember to like and subscribe" I ended the video and turned to Y/N,

"Come here" I wrapped my arm around her waist and leaned in for a kiss,

But I was surprised when she pushed me away,

"Uh uh, No kisses for you" she said walking out of the room,

"What?! Why?" I asked following her,

"I don't think you would like the smell of my fish breath" She chuckled,

"But babe I didn't mean it" I plead as she continued walking,

"Babee please!" I ran after her,

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