Chapter 1

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     I sat on the roof of an apartment building, sniper in hand. I saw my target but they didn't see me. How could they? Not like the rich would look in the direction of some rundown apartments anyways. I brought the sniper up, looking through the scope. One wrong move and I would be on the run again, one wrong move and I would probably end up in juvie...or worse. Breathing in deeply, I steadied myself and once I had a clear view, I shot. I didn't miss. Someone was calling the police. I had to get out of here. Quickly, I packed my sniper away into what most people would assume is an innocent looking backpack. Little did they know it actually carried the weapon of the assassin, Silence. I climbed down the fire escape but I was met face to face with a tired man with black hair. I backed up slightly as he noticed my movement.
     "What are you doing up here?" He asked, his voice rough and sounded tired. "Studying." I lied. I was going to lie my way out of this. No way in hell am I going to get caught as an assassin, not after coming this far. "Then why leave suddenly when there was a murder?" He was going to keep asking questions and I was going to keep lying. "There was a murder?" I asked, trying to sound surprised. That means I really did hit my target or I accidentally killed someone else and I would need to find a different place to kill him. "Yes there was and the gunshot came from where you are. Show me what's in your backpack." He demanded, obviously annoyed at something. Maybe his sleep was interrupted or something. I gave him my backpack and he opened it, instantly frowning when he saw what was in it. "A sniper. A BCM Europearms F Class to be exact, just like a new killer uses. Are you Silence, the assassin who has killed ten innocent people?" He asked as he stared right at her, his tired eyes burning into hers. She panicked slightly, not used to having to come up with a cover for what she was doing since normally she had enough time to get out of the situation before she got caught. He seemed to take my silence for a yes and dragged me towards a slightly run down car, still holding onto my backpack. We got into the car, giving me back my backpack and he started driving before saying, "I'm Eraserhead or Aizawa(hopefully I spelt that right...) and I have a job for you." I sat there before taking a small notebook from my backpack I had just gotten back. "What do you need me to do and what are you offering? I sure as hell don't work for free." I pulled a pencil out as he hummed slightly at my remark at the end. "I want you to help me teach some brats at Yuuei(UA? I don't know at this point) and I'm offering to let you go with a warning, not go to jail." He stated, making the last part sound like I really don't have a choice. I stared at him before writing down his request and offer. "Can I at least get ¥1000 a week if I have to do this? Like I said, don't do this for free." I knew I was pushing it, but with what I have no there is no way I'd be able to move into my own space and go back to school to progress in science. He shook his head slightly, approaching a large glass building. "You'd have to talk to Nezu on that. He's the one who sent me looking for you." He said, causing me to roll my eyes as I observed the building we were driving towards. He parked quickly, as I asked one last question before getting out, "Anything I should know about the class or classes I'd be teaching? I'm not going to walk into this blindly." I still had my notebook out, wanting to know what the hell I'll be going against in this new world of teaching. "You'll be teaching first years on hand to hand combat and on stealth." He responded, as I laughed slightly at the last half of his sentence. "Why would hero kids need to know how to be stealthy?" I asked, going back to being serious and writing this stuff down. "Just in case. Judging from the entrance exams, some are going to need to." He sounded dead inside. I nodded, as we got out of the car and headed inside. He took me to the principle's office, chuckling to myself since it seemed like only yesterday I would constantly be getting dragged to the principle's office after causing trouble or someone causing trouble and her being framed for it. As they walked in, I noticed the small, mouse-looking man sitting at a desk. I assumed that was Nezu or the principle. Aizawa cleared his throat to get his attention. We talked about my job and payment, which instead offered to pay ¥2000 a week. It was boring to say the least, but I learned about the students and the teachers I would be working with. What didn't surprise me was that all of them were either currently heroes or were heroes at one point in time, which would make me stand out if someone pointed out that I was the only non-hero teacher, that and the fact I was only a year older than the first years I would be teaching. It would definitely be interesting that's for sure. I sighed as I walked to the bus station, not sure if I'm ready to deal with a drunk roommate after all this. I knew I needed to, he wasn't exactly the best at taking care of himself but he had friends who could take care of him. I hopped onto the bus as I quietly hummed to myself, making sure my backpack was closed and no one could see her sniper. No one paid much attention to her anyways as she grabbed a newspaper from the nest next to her. It seemed to have been from today. I saw an arrival labeled "Woman Found Dead In Her Own Home, Shot In The Head" and decided to read it before realizing it was a job I had done the night before. It described the scene and that it was possibly linked to the Silencer case but ooooh boy little do they know Silencer, also know as yours truly, was a 16 year old girl who was going to be teaching 15 year old brats to be good at stealth and hand to hand combat. The media would have an absolute field day if they found out. I chuckled to myself as I folded the newspaper back up and set it on the seat before getting off at my stop. As I walked into the apartment building, I could smell the pungent scent of alcohol as I got closer to the apartment I was staying in for now. It was only 9:39 PM on a Sunday evening and he was already drunk, probably having a girl over to mess around with. Maybe this time he'll actually keep a girlfriend instead of it being one time things. I opened the door, quickly dashing to my room to avoid getting spotted or to avoid seeing something I don't want to. As I got to my room, I threw the door open and closed it behind me. I quickly changed into something more comfortable to sleep in, knowing that I'd have to meet up with my contact in the morning before having to go to Yuuei to teach. Sleep came easily as I ignored the sounds coming from the living room. I was asleep in seconds, the world going black.
I hope this chapter was ok. I'm not the best at writing but I'll try
Author's Note: I will update this when I can or when I have inspiration. Also, I'll explain her backstory over time. No need to force all information at once :)
Word Count: 1329

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