Chapter 5

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Elodie and Klee arrived at Archdimelio's panel just as the crowd started to hush. It was silent for a moment, before a large puff of bright blue smoke came from the wings, filling up the huge stage. The crowd gasped as the smoke formed into two dragon shapes, which flew into the crowd, roaring. Everyone oohed and ahhed as the dragons flew back to the stage and exploded, revealing a dwarf man with pepper hair, a fluffy beard with beads inside, and a big hat- Erik Archdimelio. The crowd burst into cheers and applause, looking at the legend himself. Everyone was hushed as he raised his hand and placed it to his throat- a projection spell.

"Good evening ladies, gentlemen, persons in-between, and spellcasters of every kind. Welcome to the 31'st spellcasters annual convention!" The crowd burst into applause again as Archdimelio chuckled. "I am honored to be here today, to be in front of the future and the people who carry on the magik that we live among. I'll pass away eventually, and hopefully one of you will take my place. But i am proud to present-"

Archdimelio was cut off by a horrifying sight- Five black dire wolves who forced Archdimelio offstage and a seductive-looking kitsune woman walking onstage, slowly and giving off a dangerous vibe. She grabbed the unused microphone and uttered a single word, a single syllable that chilled the entire audience...


Everyone burst out in screams and cries and trampled Elodie, who was grabbed by the hand by Klee, who pulled her out and took off running toward the exit. She hopped on a gray horse and asked Elodie, "Where's your steed?"

"U-up there, just past the shop end."

"Great." She pulled Elodie up onto the horse with a surprisingly strong arm and bolted off. Once velox was in sight, Elodie jumped from Klee's horse to velox and caught up to her.

// *sigh* well i guess corona doesn't give me time to write, eh???? But this is short and it's not the best but take it children i beg of you. Love yall owo <3 //

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