Chapter 1

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I hear the annoying sound of my alarm going off. I try to remember the reason I even have it set because I know we are on a bit of a break, so no reason to be up at 7am. I was reminded when my loving,but sad boyfriend came to wake me up. Yes, Louis and I are dating. The world knows and have finally accepted us.We sometimes share a bed. And sometimes we don't. Depending on how I sleep during the night. I suffer from nightmares and tend to toss and turn through out the night. I even wake myself up screaming some nights. The events of that fatal night still haunt me after seven years.

"Hi, love.", louis says as he comes over and gently sets down on the bed. "How'd you sleep last night?", he asks after kissing me on the lips.

"Morning,love.", i respond as I smile into the kiss. "I slept ok babe, i suppose. Still a bit sleepy", I tell him as I stretch my tired limbs and climb out of the bed.

"Lets take a shower and get woke up,love! We have plenty of time", Lou says with a mischevious smile on his face.

"What time is the funeral, Love?", I ask him knowing it's later today.

"Around two this afternoon.", he replied wiggling his eye brows

I let him get by with waking me up this early due to him being a bit upset and I know he's just needing to keep his mind busy. He was pretty close to his Nan, so the news of her passing was a bit upsetting for him. As we walked into the bathroom, we stripped down quickly so we could get into the warmth of the shower. After a bit of washing up and possibly some 'adult activities', we got out and dried off and got dressed in our nice attire. Both of us dressed in black suits and ties. with black dress shoes. Must say, Lou is looking mighty fine right now. Taking all I have not to ravage him ..for the second time this morning.

"Harold! Quit staring at my bum!", Louis playfully shouts at me as he walks by and pops me on my bum. "I can't help it Lou! You have a nice bum!", I replied while rubbing my bum where his hand had landed. We decide to go ahead and leave around nine-thirty since we were already to go. We do have a two hour drive or so to get to his parents house in Doncaster. We grab a quick bite to eat, tell the boys goodbye and we head out the door. The drive there was full of us singing to the key..laughter and some of Louis breaking down a few times. We showed up at Jay and Marks house around eleven-thirty. We climbed out of the car and stretched our legs as we walked up to the house. Louis was ok till his mum opened the door to let us in and that's when it hit him hard. He fell into his mums arms and cried into his mums shoulder. He was crying so hard his body was shaking. I could hear his sobs over his mums. It broke my heart to see him this distraut. I walked over and wrapped my arms around them both and tried to comfort them. His sisters came down stairs to see what was going on. Looking at their faces, I could tell they had been crying alot as well. When they seen Louis and I standing there, they ran to their brother and gathered around him and their mum as they all cried together. As they stepped away from eachother, they wiped their eyes and said their helloes. We all headed to the kitchen and Jay put on some water for tea and pulled out samwich makings for lunch. We sat around the table and talked and filled the air with laughter for a bit. Before we know it, it's time to head to the church. 

As we walked into the church, Louis was greeted by many family members and friends. We walked in hand in hand to find a spot to sit. Everyone still treated him respectfully even knowing his choices. We set by his mum and sisters which we take up nearly two pews. As the preacher got up to pay his respects to the dearly departed, I heard a light whisper in my ear. Thinking it was Louis, I turned to ask him what he said. He just looked at me quite funny and said that he hadn't said anything. i ignore it for a bit and go back to listening to the family and friends going up to pay their respects. When I hear it again.

"Tell Lou I love him", I hear the voice say. I get up and tell Louis I am going to the restroom for a minute. when I get in the bathroom, I set down on the floor and pull my knees to my chest. What could be happening? I shut this part of myself down years ago after that night that changed my life. "How did you find me?", I asked 'her' knowing this was Louis' Nan that I was talking to."I found the channel to come through to you on", she responded. "Please tell him I love him and am so proud of the man he has become", she said softly. "I will", I told her, still in a bit of shock. "And do me another favor", she gently said. "Forgive yourself!", is what she said and then she was gone. Those two words hit me like a rock. I sat in that bathroom for what seemed like hours crying into my knees.

"Harry? Love?", I heard Louis' soft voice call out as I hear the door shut. I look up to him with my red and puffy eyes. I couldn't even muster out a simple hi. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him. "What happened? What's wrong?", he asked me as i wrapped my arms around him.."Your Nan wanted me to tell you she loves you and that she is proud of you.", I told him softly.

"She did?", he asked as he started weeping again. Louis knows about what I use to be able to do. He knows about that accident. He has been great with it since I told him back in the X-Factor days. "How did she, tho? I mean, I thought that you couldn't hear them anymore", He said softly as his crying died down some. "She said that she found the channel to get through to me. She also told me that I neede to forgive myself", I told him as my voice got shakey again. He helped me up off the floor and pulled me into his arms so we could give each other a proper hug. Pretty soon we heard a knock on the door, and a soft voice calling out to us.

"Boys, is everything ok?", Jay asked through the door. We opened the door and she seen both of our teer stained faces and he pulled us both into her arms. "Oh, my sweet boys", Is all she did as she just held us. She has been like my second mum since we all got together as a group. After a bit ,we pulled apart and dried our eyes. We knew that we needed to get around to saying our goodbyes as we had to head back to London that same day.

On our way home, Lou said that he wanted to drive to help keep his mind occupied and he could tell I was quite tired from lack of sleep the night before. On top of the events that occurred today.

where are you? I can hear you but I can't see you! It's so smokey in here. Harry! I hear a voice holler out my name. I follow it. Please help me Harry! Oh my God! I can't reach you!  Harry please help me! Go for help Harry! I can't leave you! Harry! Please help me! Jessie!!!!

"Harry! Harry!", I hear someone calling out my name. I opened my eyes to see a very concerned Louis looking at me. "Why couldn't I save her Louis! Why did I leave her side that night?!", I kept asking him as i screamed out to nobody in particular.

"Harry, love! It's not your fault! You went to get help, love!, Louis said as he held me close to him. As I looked around I noticed we were still settin in his car. Outside of our flat that us boys shared. How long had I been asleep?

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