Chapter 7

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I feel like I am floating, but yet I feel arms around me. I keep trying to wake up but I can't seem to open my eyes. In the distance I hear a soft voice calling my name. That voice is so familiar. I can't see the subject from which the voice is coming from. But i definitely know who it is. "Harry, never forget that I love you! Please forgive yourself and enjoy your life! I love you!". My sister, jesy. It's at that time that I am able to open my eyes. I look around, everything is blurry. I see a figure leaning over me. I blink my eyes and that's when I realize the blurriness is due to the teers that are flooding my eyes. I feel a soft finger whipe the teers away and soft voice talking to me. "Love, wake up for me please!", I hear this person say in a shakey voice. My Louis. Wait! How did Louis get here? The last i remember was just Liam and i. I fainted.

"Loubear!", I say as I slowly start waking up.

"I'm here, Love!", He says as he pulls my body closer to him. I look around to see if anything looks familiar. "Where am I, love?", I ask him feeling a bit confused. This doesn't look like the gymn. Unless they have heart monitors and freshly painted walls. And the last I knew, a gymn doesn't smell of disinfectant. "Your're in the hospital, Haz!", Louis answered softly as he stroked my cheek. That explains my sirroundings. "You passed out on Liam so he called me and the other lads to let us know to get to the hospital"

"Sorry for scaring you, love", I said to him as I tried setting up. "What happend? All I remember is crying and punching something then everything went black", I said all confused. All of a sudden realization hit me. I looked at Liam with wide eyes. "What is it, lad?", Liam asked a bit confused. "You hit me, didn't you?!", I asked him a bit sternly

"What the hell, Harry!?", He said a bit shocked. "No, I didn't hit you!"

"Then how did I blackout?", I asked feeling a bit more confused.

"You hyperventalated from crying so much! The doctor said you also had a major anxiety attack", He answered me. "I could never hit you! Although, you did get in a few hits on me!", He said while laughing lightly. "But I understand so don't feel bad"

"Yeah, why did you say all those hurtful things to me, anyways, Li?", I asked him as it all started coming back to me

"Because, I wanted you to get mad and angry so that you could release it by screaming or punching! That's what I have to do at times too. Get myself worked up.", He answered shyly. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or made you feel bad, but it worked.", He said slightly smiling. I had to agree with him. It did work. I feel a bit better beside this major headache I have. Pretty soon the doctor came in holding a clipboard. writing somethings down as he checked my vitals

"How are you feeling, Mr, Styles?", he asked as he checked me over

"for one, please call me Harry. Mr. Styles makes me feel old and it's too formal", I say with one of my cheeky smiles. "But, to answer your question, I'm feeling ok besides a headache."

"Yeah, that's normal for what your body has been put through. Anxiety attacks can cause all kinds of physical problems.I am going to give you something for your headache and we are putting you on something for Anxiety.", the doctor said as he started taking the blood pressure thingy off me and the finger clip. (i can't remember what they are callled.). "am also going to refer you to a councelor to help you through whatever is getting you this worked up", He said while looking at all us boys

"Counceling? I don't need counceling!", I say a bit more harshly than intended

"Love, it would help you out so much", Lou said earning agreements from the other lads. I look over at Liam since he is like the 'Daddy' of the group

"Li, What happens if that councelor isn't trustworthy and leaks out everything that is talked about? What happens then? My fans hating me because I am a freak for being able to do what I do!", I say as I start breathing heavy again. Lou rubs my shoulder to calm me down. Liam comes over and sets on the otherside of me.

"Haz, Paul is going to make sure that all basis are covered with this councelor!", Liam said reassuringly. "He will have him sign a confidential form stating that what you guys talk about stays between you two.", Liam says trying to get me to agree with it

"Okay, I will do it. But I will have him know that if anything leaks he will get sued!", I said while looking 'serious' at Liam

"Paul will cover those bases as well, Haz! I gaurantee it!", he said with a smile on his face. Knowing he got through to me

"Okay!", the doctor began. "Here is a list of councelors around here. I will give it to you so that you can give it to the man in charge!", He said while handing me the form. "You are free to go.", He said while handing me the paper for my Anxiety script. "You take care", he said as he walked out of the room.

"let's get the hell out of here!", I shouted out as I jumped off the bed. The boys just laughed at me as we walked out of the room. Louis grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers as we walked down the hall towards the exit. As we walked out the doors we seen the place surrounded by paps and concerned fans

"How the hell did they know?", Liam said looking around

"And so it begans!", I said a bit sarcastically as fans shouted out their concerns and the paps started throwing their questions at me

"Well, this is going to be on tonights news!", I said a bit sarcastically as we pushed our way through the mess to the parking area. just what I was trying to keep from happening, I thought to myself.

A/N: Here is another chater for you lovely readers. I hope you enjoyed it. Please give me your feed back. I love hearing from all of you. And please checkout my other stories...'Through the Dark'...and..'Over Again'.. thank you so much! And thank you for all the reads on this one. You guys are truely amazing! XXX

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