Assets, More Like Gassets

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~Contains: Breast/butt/belly inflation, Air inflation, somewhat nudity~

Lindsey couldn't say she was unhappy. Really, she had it all. She grew up in a wealthy home with a caring family, and on top of that she had just graduated college and scored her own place with plenty of room-- with the help of her family's money, of course. She had absolutely every reason to be content with her life...

Except one thing.

Her appearance. She had always been considered conventionally attractive. She was thin, with long slender legs and blonde hair that cut off right after her shoulders. The problem was that to her, she wasn't just thin, she was too skinny.

Lindsey's older sister, Emily, had the perfect body in her mind. They looked similar, but Emily was everything Lindsey wasn't. She was simply bigger. She had natural curves, that were only accentuated by the size she gained during pregnancy. 

Lindsey could clearly remember being jealous of her sister as she started middle school. She hoped and prayed that she would somehow go up a bra size during summer break. She also could remember the slight envy of the size of her sister's belly when she had her niece, though she would never want to get pregnant or pack on the pounds herself. 

Despite all this, she never grew resentful toward Emily. In fact, she was very close with her sister, niece, and brother in law. 

Lindsey took Friday off of work, and Monday was a holiday, so she had a four day weekend all to herself. She had a few plans to try and get herself bigger, and considering that she already bought all the things she needed online, there wasn't anything that was going to stop her. 

And that was how she ended up sitting in her bathroom with a tube up her ass. 

It turns out that part of her obsession with being big was because she had an inflation fetish, something that she only found out in her last year of college while browsing the internet. 

Tentatively, Lindsey turned on the pump. She didn't expect to get very big, since this was her first time attempting inflation and she was well aware of how dangerous it could be if she went past her limit. 

Feeling the air gush into her was certainly a weird feeling, especially because her insides were a lot warmer than the room temperature air. It was certainly better than going with water, which she had opted out on for a few reasons. 1) She didn't want to deal with whatever mess that could come from the water leaking out, 2) she was nervous about feeling heavy or nauseous from the water sloshing, so that could wait for her 2nd or 3rd time, and 3) she didn't want to mess with the temperature, which would most certainly be too hot or too cold.

Lindsey wasn't too fond of the tight, full feeling being full of air gave her when her stomach had barely shown any change at all. She looked like she had maybe had a good meal, which is a look she could have easily surpassed by just eating instead.

Feeling desperate and frustrated, she turned up the pump. There was nothing wrong with going a bit faster, 'cause she could still turn it off if she felt like she needed to. Her stomach swelled out a bit at the sudden increase of air.

She seemed to be satisfied with the progress she was making, so she turned her attention to her phone, scrolling through social media while she waited for either the results she wanted or for the pain of her belly telling her to stop.

Lindsey was drawn away from her phone at the feeling of her shorts getting tight. She didn't expect to get far enough that she'd actually need more room in her clothes, so she didn't bother wearing loose ones. When she looked down at her belly, she had quite a pleasant surprise. 

Not only had her stomach expanded enough that it started pushing up her t-shirt, looking maybe 7 months pregnant, but her butt expanded outward too, contributing to the stretching of her jeans. As far as she knew, this wasn't a thing that could happen. She lowered her hand to her thigh, giving it a quick squeeze to confirm that she wasn't just seeing things.

Lindsey was absolutely elated. Not only would she have the belly she'd been trying to gain, but she'd also have the curves she wanted since she was younger. She turned up the dial again. It was at the 3rd setting, and there were 5 in total.

She pressed a hand against her taught stomach. It felt very full, a feeling she was getting accustomed to, but it was still very squishy and soft. She watched as her belly and ass grew in size. Her belly went from looking 7 months to 9 months pregnant, and growing until it looked like a small beach ball, spilling out onto her legs. Her butt filled with air until each cheek looked like the size of a basketball, raising her slighting off the floor.

Those weren't the only changes that happened at the new pump setting. She quickly noticed her breasts almost tripling in size. They weren't huge yet because she was barely more than flat chested before, but they were getting squeezed in the small bralette that she wore. They went from A's to D's pretty quickly.

If Lindsey hadn't popped or felt like she needed to stop yet, then she might as well keep going. Well, that was atleast her thought process when she decided to turn the pump up again, turning it onto the fourth setting. 

Her stomach, breasts and butt all swelled out much faster than she had anticipated. She felt no pain, and actually learned to enjoy the feeling of being full of air. Her clothes would no longer fit her, but she'd deflate eventually, so she kept going.

Her belly reached the size of an exercise ball, but instead of being fully round, it was more ovalish, reaching past her knees and pushing up her expanding breasts. 

Her butt had gotten exceptionally bigger than she could have imagined. They were huge and squashed out because she was sitting, and her thighs even swelled out to fit it. The seams of her shorts began to split.

She was the most excited about her breasts. She realized long ago that once they stopped naturally growing, she wouldn't have much luck getting them bigger even from gaining weight like she would be able to do with her belly and her rear. They grew past what she'd know how to identify in bra sizes. Her boobs spilled out of her small bralette quite awhile ago. Now they were about close to watermelons in size. 

All of a sudden, it all stopped. She could still hear the sound of the pump pushing air into her body, but she couldn't feel or see herself getting any bigger. 

Lindsey stood up, which was made difficult because of her sheer size. She was almost trapped between the walls because of how big she had become. 

There was one last setting on the pump, and she was desperate to feel bigger. With a click, the air started flowing into her body enough to make a change. 

Her belly stuck atleast 4 feet out, and dipped down almost to her knees. Her butt finally ripped through her jeans, and her hips had grown to be twice, maybe even three times as wide as it used to be. Her breasts were so large that they obscured her vision, making her turn sideways to look at herself in the mirror.

She was huge.

Finally feeling satisfied, she turned the pump off...

...and then realized she was too big to fit through the bathroom door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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