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"Welcome to my mess of an apartment." Nova said while gesturing to the messy area with her arms.
"It's not that messy, mine room is way worse than this place." Calum admitted shyly making Nova explode with giggles.
"So want do you want to do?" he said while throwing a wink her way.
"If you only want me for sex, you can leave thank you very much."
"Oh no, I didn't mean it like that, I meant like blare music and dance around like idiots."
"Well then what are we waiting for?" And with that she put her phone on shuffle while plugging it into her speaker.
"Sit and drink pennyroyal tea, distil the life inside of me." Nova yelled out the lyrics to pennyroyal tea by Nirvana, not missing a single lyric. Calum stood there just staring at Nova and taking in every detail about her, every feature that made her well her. He could write a novel about what her liked about her, even though they have only know eachother for a few days it was just she was unique, and different. From her brown eyes and and angel like complexion to her purple hair there was nothing normal about her and Calum liked that. The way she danced so crazily and sung/screamed each lyrics with such passion, maybe she wasn't good at dancing or singing but she did it anyways.
"why aren't you dancing?" Nova had just now realized that he wasn't dancing and was just looking at her.
"I was just thinking, sorry. LETS DANCE!" He yelled while getting and dancing crazily.

An hour later there dancing came to an end, when they realized that they where tired and late to band practice, well Calum was but whatever.
"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. We are late, we are late and the boys are going to kill me Shit," Calum kept mumbling profanties which made Nova feel horrible about making hi late to practice.
"Calum if we leave now we can make it in ten minutes, and if the boys get mad at you I will personally tell them to suck a dick." Novas' words made Calum laugh while get up and start heading to the door.
"Well what are we waiting for." And with that they left the apartment and head down to Lukes house.
"WHY ARE YOU LATE CALUM, IF YOU ARE LATE AGAIN WE ARE JUST GOING TO START WITH OUT YOU!" Ashton yelled why the rest of the boys mumbled their agreement making Calums head slump and look towards the door.
"Alright, don't get mad at him it was my fault and if you guys are still mad at him, then I suggest that you suck a dick." Nova said with a proud smile as the all of their jaws dropped at her words.

Hey guys what did you think of the chapter??? Idrk about it!
pleaSe pleaSe pleaSe vote it means so much to me

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