3 : School... That should be fraught with peril...

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"So,apart from visiting,we need to go to school?" Shayne asked framing a question.

What day was it? Sunday? "It's Monday," Shayne added with a sly grin.

I jumped up saying, "We need to be there!"

Shayne shrugged out of his blue shirt and walked to his closet picking a pair of black cut-off jeans,a white buttoned shirt and a blue tie matching his sweater.

"I'm having a bath,care to join me?"Shayne asked innocently going to his humongous bathroom.

"Pervert," I muttered as I stalked out of the room and...

Into an unfamiliar hallway.I cursed under my breath.I could smell bacon and eggs and my stomach rumbled.

It was not that difficult to navigate the staircase and I found Mrs.Gray serving breakfast on two plates. " I hope you're hungry,Mich. Shayne said you liked bacon, " she said both kindness and sweetness in her voice.

" It smells lovely, Mrs. Gray, " I complimented as I sat on the chair. " Mich, how many times must I tell you to call me Anita? " she asked as she pushed a plate of food for me.

I smirked. " Once more... Anita, " I added unwillingly. Mrs. Gray put some orange juice on a glass and gave it to me. I drank it quickly, I hadn't realized that I was thirsty.

A few minutes later, Shayne came prodding down the steps.

" Shayne, take Mich home and choose an appropriate attire, " Mrs. Gray said as she washed the dishes humming merrily.

I glanced up at Shayne and choked on my bacon. Which, of course made Shayne laugh and thump my back. " What is it, Shells? " he asked amused.

What was it? Shayne..... He was my best friend. One of the only ones in school who still treated me like an equal. Seeing him made me giddy, I couldn't quite put it off as a bad reaction, except when he started making jokes about it. Ugh.

" Just the bacon. " I said nervously. Nervous? From me? Ugh! I knew it in my guts,this was NOT going to be good.


I was wearing my khaki trousers and a shirt embezzeled with beads. " Dickies! " it said. I was done cleaning the house, the bloody items burnt.

Shayne watched me work with an amused face. Sometimes, he would help me until he dropped something then I forced him to sit.


It was not long when we saw the familiar blue and red building. " Ah, " I sighed resigned. It felt as if there was a weight in my stomach and was lifted as soon as I saw my only true home ; school.

Shayne stared at me with something burning in his brown eyes. I walked briskly down the path,eyes on the ground.

The familiar voices of gossip were heard. I honestly didn't care. I heard Shayne matching my stride. We made it to homeroom with minutes to spare. That was when the real hell began.


" Look at her, no shame. "

" Go to hell, Mich you little bitch. "

That was the last straw. Micheal stood up and went to slap his sister, Abby and her followers. Luckily,I grabbed his cuff and pulled him.

" Please, Mike, " I said smiling weakly. Mike's face was red with anger. Next to me, Shayne was rigid. All of the boys in the class were staring at Abby with appraising eyes.

" You guys remind me of a pack of wolves, " Andrew's girlfriend, Rochelle chided Mike and Andrew who were both up.

As if on cue, the teacher entered. She was beautiful in her own way, with waist length straight hair and a perfect figure. " Good morning, class." she paused. " Mr. Andrew and Mr. Micheal, please take your seats immediately, before I call the principal. " she added threateningly.

Shayne put his hand up and said in a seductive voice : " That won't be necessary, Miss. They were just helping me with my homework. You know how I am. Dirty grades and all. "

The class burst out laughing. I too joined in for once, staring at Shayne as if he were mad. " Yes, well class, the gym teacher switched lessons with me because of an emergency so you'll just have to endure it now, " Miss. Jaux said flustered, stammering unnecessarily.Shayne had a gift.

I was the only one who was grateful for gym. Even the tough jocks didn't like running all the killer laps. I loved running. It gave me time to think.


" So, what do you think of Shayne? " Rochelle asked me as she pulled on her trainers.

I removed my brown hair from the tight bun and tried to untangle the mess. " He's my best friend, he's helped me out thousands of times and I love.... hanging out with him. He's like my older brother,if I had one, " I said pulling on the red sweat shirt.

" You know, you'd better get them before they're gone, " she mused as she left.

What's that supposed to mean? I'm telling you, Rochelle spoke like a mime. Mich! Mime's don't talk! Well, one of those exotic elders. That's it. No more CSI.

I laughed silently.Maybe I was mad. Talking to yourself is NEVER a good sign.My teachers called me crazy, David,my cousin called me special.

My thoughts were interrupted by Shayne.I hadn't realized I was finished dressing."You have a phone call."he said.

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