Cup of Winchester

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So I've never written in Second person. Give me advice, tell me what you think. Advanced apologies for shortness. 
You heave a sigh as you stride into the local diner that you frequent. It's been a long week and you're infinitely grateful that it's finally Friday evening. Ms. Richards, the current waitress for the small diner totters over to the seat you've just taken at the counter, already holding a small notepad in her age wrinkled hands.

"The usual, dear?" She smiles at you and you nod.

"Add a slice of your apple pie on the side please." You smile tiredly at her and she nods, writing down the order. As she walks away, you glance around at the familiar tables, recognizing everyone is from town. You are turning back around when you notice two strangers several seats over who seem to be arguing over something. The taller of the two, who seems taller than nearly everyone else in the small diner, has hair to match. His compatriot is several inches shorter but is definitely not an average height. His back is to you so you can't really assess if they're here to cause trouble. Your thought process is cut short when Ms. Richards comes back with your burger and pie. You nod your thanks and dig it, reminding yourself to commend the cook. You're just about to take a bite of your pie when from your left one of the men, the taller of the two's voice raises.

"Dean. Dean no. Leave the girl alone!" He sounded exasperated and clearly fed up. You glance up and see the two strangers from earlier. The one that had been turned away from you, Dean, is now looking at you with approval. You cock an eyebrow and he grins, lifting his mug.

"I love me some pie," He grins at you and you smile back, raising your forkful of pie in return.
Tell me what I can do better please!

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