Short Descriptions of my Ocs

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Eris the Alphas Daughter. her wolf fur coat is completely White with her eyes being Blue. She's destined to be the leader of the pack someday along with her Older Brother and Sister making her the youngest. She's quick on her feet and very skilled in battle and hunting. Never backs down from a challenge and can be very cocky at times. But deep down from all that broadness she express she's extremely vulnerable ever since the death of her mother. Her skills are Combat agility and tracking

Amber the Betas daughter. A really close friend to Eris and second in command. When it comes down to business she wont stop until the job gets done. Is very protective of Eris even if she's slightly weaker then her. Doesn't like Delilah as much but tolerates her. Her wolf form is the same color as her hair and eyes a bright amber color hence her name. Her main skills are agility and tracking

And Delilah the Deltas daughter she mostly a longer at times but will be there for Eris and occasionally Amber. Just like Amber she's loves to get jobs done and hates Amber perfectionistic side. Mainly seen going off on her own to patrol the perimeters of the pack but overall is skilled with stealth

Asher the Oldest Sibling of the Johnston Family.

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