Haruhi's Inner Battle?!

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Haruhi continues her day in a daze running into Hikaru in classes she smiles and acts normal but she is still trying to figure out what happened between them, she would find herself staring at him during class and forgetting to take notes. What was this feeling she had? Haruhi put her hand to her heart feeling it race as Hikaru stared back lovingly he knew he would have to wait awhile for her and one part of him was hurt and wanted an answer right away but the other part of him knew he couldn't rush her.

"Haruhi... Earth to Haruhi... " a hand waves infront of her face as she stares out the window over thinking how she really feels.  It was Karou, his smile was soft and his eyes welcoming.

"Oh Karou I'm sorry I must have been daydreaming..." Haruhi whispers her eyes wandering behind him looking at Hikaru waiting at the door for his brother.

"Listen Haruhi, I know what's going on. You both like each other don't try to deny it longer than you have too; if you overthink this you'll ruin your chance you know how impatience Hikaru can be." Karou smiles walking toward his brother waving goodbye at Haruhi she sat for a minute longer before running after Hikaru. She runs into someone falling on her back quickly he is kneeling next to her holding her hand.

"Haruhi! Are you okay? Why were you running?" A concerned voice says she rubs her head looking up she knew the hand that was holding hers only when she looked up it confirmed it, Tamaki kneels next to her pulling her to her feet as he stands brushing off.

"I'm fine Senpai, I wasn't paying attention I was trying to catch up to Hik.... Someone" Haruhi stops herself from telling Tamaki who she was running after, she felt he would get mad even though it was none of his business.

"Okay... Anyways I'll see you later Haruhi." Tamaki smiles and waves goodbye when he walks away a secret panic washes over him, was Hikaru actually winning over Haruhi? Soon he got worried as his class passes by thoughts of Hikaru and Haruhi together made his mind buzz with images that made his foot tap more rapidly, gracefully he stood up and walked out his head hung he escapes to Music Room #3 he paces the room. He whips out his phone texting Hikaru.

Tamaki: -Come to the Host Club room Hikaru.-

Hikaru: -Why? I'm in class with Haruhi...-

Tamaki: -We need to talk about Haruhi...-

Hikaru: -ugh... Fine give me five minutes.-

Hikaru raises his head after he finishes taking notes so Haruhi could copy later, she wasn't even paying attention again it made him kind of happy she was thinking about him.

"Yes Hikaru?" The teacher answers.

"Can I leave class a little early today?" He asks blankly the teacher nods he walks out shutting the door behind him as Karou looks over confused, Haruhi's head snaps to the door lost. Hikaru wanders the halls he knew what Tamaki wanted he had won and Tamaki knew it, a pang of happiness filled him it wasn't a game Haruhi wasn't a prize to be won to him he loves her and Tamaki wasn't going to steal her away from him. He stands outside the Music Room door shuttering, he entered the room with a heavy sigh.

"Hikaru!" Tamaki's voice was loud yet shaken, Tamaki may have been a fool but his voice had never quivered the way it just had. Hikaru realizes how serious he was with only one word, his name. That's all he had to say he didn't even have to look at Tamaki he knew what his face was.

(Back in class)

Haruhi thinks more about how Hikaru's eyes lit up when he said he loves her, Karou smiles his brother had Haruhi to himself now he was happy for them and surprised how patient Hikaru was being.

"Haruhiiiii" Karou whispers in a singsong voice giggling.

"W-what??" Haruhi snaps back to reality staring at him.

"Just admit it. You love my brother don't you?" He teases pinching her making her laugh.

"Okay okay!! I love Hikaru..." She whispers nervously a smile creeps across his face as she sits there figdeting.

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