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Riele's POV

"Can you go any faster" I asked

"Sorry...lady, the law is the law" he said.

"Wait a minute, Jace" I replied.

"I'm not Jace, I'm Superman pretending to be Luke the Cab Driver that lives in California" he said.

"What are you doing" I asked.

"I'm acting, they are doing the show right now" he said.

"Your crazy ex kidnapped our kids and you're thinking about acting" I asked.

"She did what" he said in surprise.

"Sorry, Jimmy, we got kids to save" he said.

"Don't worry it's perfect for the scene" he replied.

He hit the accelerator as hard as he could as I showed him where they are.

Piper was wearing her seatbelt, crying because it's her fault.

But you gotta admit it IS her fault.

But as a good mom I have to make her happy.

So I promised to buy her I've cream after.

Isabella and the kids parked at a place.

We parked the car a little far from her.

She covered their mouths as her daughter led them out of the car.

"Come on, take the camera with me" Jace said.

We locked Piper in the car since it was too dangerous for her to come.

We hid at the entrance of the factory.

"Do any of you like burgers" she asked.

"Actually I do, but I'm kinda on a diet so y'know" said Henry.

"Oh no, you're not having burgers" said Belle.

"Let me guess, you're gonna give us to cannibals or animals" said Charlotte.

Isabella cackled.

"So you're the smart one, why don't we start with you" she said.

"No stop" I shouted.

"Mom" they screamed.

"Riele" Jace said in anger. "You blew out cover".

"Oops" I said.

"How about a family reunion, SIT" Belle said as Isabella pushed us.

She has gotten really strong.

Jace wouldn't budge so she brought her cannibal friends.

There we were, tied up, waiting for our death.

Poor Piper, never to see her parents again.

Isabella took Charlotte and placed her on a beef mincer.

"What kind of twisted mind do you have" she asked.

"You don't wanna know" she replied.

"I really wanna know" she said.

My watch beeped.

"How wonderful, you're gonna take my life and my perfect attendance, you're the best mom ever" she said sarcastically.

"Do to know how hard it is, I've been running away my entire life, I tried to manage, I agreed with everything he said and the day he left me... I couldn't think, I couldn't process anything" Isabella said crying.

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