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Jungkook's POV
1095 days ago [ 3 years ]
October 1
12:38 pm

I laid in my bed as the rain outside began to pour. The wind hit against my window violently as the sounds of people stepping in to puddles filled the silence.
I had been off from work for as long as I can remember, after I lost my partner I vowed to never return to that horrid job of mine. It isn't as simple as you think, this position has been handed down from son to son for many generations. I swore to end it.
I could not imagine having to let myself nor my children, live a life like this. Always in fear, never sleeping. It isn't really the best.
I've lost so many and have killed twice the amount just to survive. I am a man who has sinned more than those who are locked up behind bars with no freedom. I am the one who put them there, the one that they fear and the one who controls this entire city. People don't know that, many don't know that I even exist. I hide behind the shadows controlling the leaders of the city as if I were a puppet master. I call the shots, they convince the people. Whether they're the cops, the priests, restaurant owners of whatever, they all fall under me.

The rain started to calm down and I decided to head out for a little walk around the city. I had to wear a hoodie and mask to not only blend in but to also go unnoticed. I grabbed my umbrella and left to be alone with my thoughts.

I missed walking around this place. I missed the people and the sites, most importantly I miss my childhood here when I could go out and play with friends without the fear of someone shooting me down. I gotta give it to my dad, he really played me in to this whole thing. I checked my watch and saw that 20 minutes had passed so I decided to stop at a little diner. Upon entering my ears are filled with the most beautiful sound I have ever come across. Joy.
I looked around in hopes to find where it came from and as I looked towards the back of the diner, I am left mesmerized. There she stood. She had on a peach dress with a white apron and cute sandals with little flowers. About shoulder length, curly brown hair with a white scarf wrapped around it. Gorgeous hazel eyes, an alluring smile and that intoxicating laugh. If my rivals don't get to me first, I swear that this woman who stands in front me will be the death of me.
I took a seat at the counter, hoping that she would be the one to come and serve me but alas my hopes where cut short when her co-worker came in my direction. I put down my mask and let her take my order. A short while had passed and I sadly had to return back home. Evil always comes out at night. I got up and took one last glimpse of her, taking in as much of her as I could before setting off back in to the world.

As I reached the door, the sound of her voice filled my mind and I promised myself that every day that I get I will come here to visit her. I promise to protect her from this cruel world and even though I might have to love her from a distance, I promise to always put a smile on her face.
I stepped outside and stood on the pavement, letting the rain hit against me. I pulled out my phone and dialed the last number I would ever think of calling. “Marcus, inform them all that i'm coming back”. And with that being said, I set off back to my apartment. I'm doing this not for them but, for her.

[Authors note]
This book is getting more love than I thought it would.
Thank you for 70+ reads
hopefully i'll reach 100 soon
and even though it's a long shot
i hope to reach at least 3,5k
please also check out my latest books;
glances| jackson wang
just hold on| park jimin
would really appreciate it for you shared this and voted
much love,
amahle xoxoxo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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