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"Daios," I growled, walking toward him with determined steps as he slowly turned around to face me.

"Hello, dove," he greeted, the smirk on his face so unnerving that I wanted to burn it off with the flames I was trying to contain within me.

"Come to finally put an end to the show?" he asked, his stormy eyes gazing up and down my body as I took a shaky breath.

"I see that you decided to go against my orders to keep the provinces out of this little feud. I had to send off all of my men to deal with that hassle you started in the streets," he tutted.

"I know about everything," I breathed, standing up a little straighter as I kept walking, keeping my chin raised, my fists still clenched by my sides.

"About the Santua Prophecy, about Kankara, about San, about Avalon, me, and our destiny. All of it," I hissed.

Daios chuckled, coking a brow as he looked me up and down again, taking in my armor with a look of distaste cutting across his handsome features.

"It's a little late for all of that, my dear y/n, but I'm glad you won't have to be sent off to the world of the dead without knowing the whole story."

"I won't be the one dying today, I said, summoning a ball of fire and sending it straight toward him.

But Daios simply sidestepped, countering my attempt at an attack with a gust of wind that sent me stumbling backwards over the polished floor.

A flash of purple light glinted through the big windows at the other end of the room as lightning struck outside.

He chuckled darkly, rolling his neck before taking a step forward.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, princess," he tutted, sending another blast of air in my direction. I heard thunder rolling inside my head as I tried to catch my breath.

"Your powers are no match for me," he lazily said, and I felt the pressure inside the room drop as the air suddenly crackled with electricity.

His eyes turned purple, and I felt my heart drop as I took another step forward, summoning another ball of light in my hands.

"You don't have what it takes," he growled, sending a wave of sparks toward me, shocking me, making my legs stagger.

I felt my inner fire shouting in protest as I sent a ball of flames in his direction, suddenly feeling weak, exhausted.

But Daios simply sidestepped again, letting out another low chuckle as his eyes locked with mine.

"You haven't even seen the half of it yet!" he said, raising his voice to a boom that matched with the storm outside of the palace voice.

"What my powers can do, my true potential! You have no idea about the storm that has been brewing for the last two centuries. You! With your pathetic flames and weak powers? You were the one mentioned in the prophecy? You and that weak excuse of an ice elemental? Oh, please," he scoffed, sending a bolt of lightning my way that hit the floor right by my feet.

I stumbled back, my heart hammering against my ribs as I realized how much he had been holding back the last time I had met him.

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