Chapter Seven: A New Alliance

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[Adora POV]
A week after Shadow Weaver's memorial, Glimmer holds the first meeting of the Rebellion since the war ended. I'm sat in her room with Catra and Bow, as she paces.

"You've never worried about holding meetings before. Is everything okay?" Bow asks. Glimmer gives him a small smile.

"Yeah, it's's never been the full alliance has it? Not only do we finally have all the Princesses, we have Hordak and Wrong Hordak too, as well as Catra and Melog of course. Then there's my dad. He's never seen me hold a meeting before. What if my usual style of dealing with things isn't what he's used to?" Glimmer panics.

"No offence Sparkles, but since when have you ever cared about what other people think about you?" Catra asks. I nod.

"She's right, Glimmer. I'm sure your dad will be proud whatever approach you take." I reassure the Queen.

"You sure?"

"Positive." I affirm. Glimmer claps her hands together.

"Hey, I was thinking, you know-"She begins.

"Ooh, dangerous game Sparkles. Let us know if you get a headache." Catra quips, as Glimmer pouts.

"You'll be the one with a headache." Glimmer says back, summoning some sparkles to her hand. "I quite fancy teleporting around Etheria today, maybe I'll take you along for the ride." Catra shivers.

"Continue." She replies, visibly disturbed by the thought of teleporting, even after doing it so many times since she joined the Rebellion.

"Anyway, I was thinking, since the war's over, we could all use a change of clothes, at least until we go out into space."

"Oooh, are you suggesting we finally get Adora some new clothes. I like the idea." Catra grins. I look down at my outfit.

"There's nothing wrong with my outfit!" I protest.

"You have kinda wore it for at least three years." Bow inputs. I scoff.

"You've worn that same armour since I've known you. And besides, I own different jackets and shirts and trousers, it's not like I wear the same ones day in, day out." I argue.

"The only change of clothes I've ever seen you in was your spacesuit and your red dress." Glimmer says.

"Hey, what about the white one I wore to the party last week? And my She-Ra transformations. Since I had more armour at the Battle of Bright Moon, that's three She-Ra forms, with my casual clothes, then my two dresses, that's six outfits. I've only ever seen Bow in three, if you count his Battle of Bright Moon armour." I respond.

"Well I've changed my outfit often enough, so I don't come into this." Catra says, with a smirk.

"You changed your hair too. What did happen to your ear tufts?" Glimmer asks.

"I just cut them off." Catra shrugs.

"Yeah, they would have ruined her new look." Bow jokes.

"I cut them off before I even thought of an outfit change, thank you."

"What inspired the outfit change anyway? I thought you'd always be the girl with wild hair." I ask. After seeing Catra with messy hair all of our lives, it was a shock to see her at Elberon with no hair tufts and straight hair.

"I was the second-in command of the Horde, it was time I wore something new. I couldn't basically rule an army in what I was wearing, it didn't scream 'power'." Catra shrugs again. "Anyway, can we drop this? The meeting starts in like, a minute, and it's like a five minute walk from here."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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