Athena's Warning Chapter One

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Hey to all you guys out there! This most defiantly not my first story I've ever written, but it's the first I've published online! Bear with me if it seems slow and confusing at parts... I hope you enjoy and reviews and advice are MUCH MUCH MUCH appreciated! (But you don't have to leave one) Thanks for reading and have an awesome life :)!  


I woke up in the morning, feeling happy but strange. Yes, it was my fifteenth birthday, yes, I still had my covers on my bed, yes, I was still on my bed... but something was missing. Something was added on. There was something extra I just shrugged. Probably my developing ADHD. I hopped out of bed and ran into my bathroom.

Dad had made pancakes...if you could even call it that. When I walked into the kitchen, I saw four black disks sitting on the griddle and a burned smell wafting around.

"Dad!" I called out, "Daad!"                

      My father appeared out of the bathroom, "Hi, honey." He was unshaven (no wonder something felt like it was missing, I always woke up to his electric razor), and still in his pajamas. His eyes were red and puffy.

" okay?" I asked uncertainly. Everyone knows that your parents aren't supposed to cry. It's like the unspoken expectation, along with the usual 'treat others the way you want to be treated.'

My dad just hugged me and said, "Just stubbed my... foot. Happy Birthday dear. Sorry your pancakes are ruined."

"It's alright." I draped my navy blue blazer, which went along with my white blouse and navy blue skirt over the back of a chair. My school is all about policies and rules. I glanced at my dad skeptically as I got out a box of granola from the pantry. 

Dad ambled over to the stove, scraping off the 'pancakes' from the griddle and into the trash can, "Promise me you'll wait for Curran and Anders to walk to the bus stop with you?"

I dropped my spoon and looked suspiciously at Dad, "Why?" He was beginning to act weirder and weirder...

He shrugged, "I think they need to ask you a homework question." I picked my spoon back up and dug into my cereal.

"Sure, whatever." They probably just wanted to wish me happy birthday or something. Usually, I didn't wait for them, we just happened to come out at usually the same time. Dad turned to the sink and gazed out the window, sighing with sadness and relief. I pretended not to notice, but my mind was already flooding with scenarios and hordes of questions.

Sorry for the short chapter! Will update soon! And I will stop leaving so many notes too...

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