Athena's Warning Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

"YAAAA!" Curran yelled. I gave a little shriek of surprise as my slightly disabled friend leaped into the air with perfect balance and planted his feet on the man's chest, the pushed off, doing a flip in midair. The man staggered back and his hand, which had temporarily left the boy's shoulder, flew back and pressed his fingers on the boy's neck. The man's victim crumpled to the ground.

"Anders!" I screamed as the baseball cap flew off. Curran and Kidnapper Man were now engaged in combat on one side of the elevator. I tried to go over to my friend who was lying helpless on the ground, but Kidnapper Man's accomplice blocked me. He was a wry man, clad in a black suit like his partner. They looked alike, the one blocking me had a dark, mustache. 

"Adelaide Autumns, " He growled. I recoiled, how did he know my name? The man simply smiled a closed lip smile. He had a sunglasses, but I knew for sure that the smile was anything but warm and kind. He reached out for me, and I backed away quickly. I glanced at the elevator buttons and realized that we hadn't even moved! Mustache Man saw my look and pressed S1. The elevator gave a small lurch as we started to descend. I looked over in Curran's direction- his shoes had been taken off, and he was using his DCs to batter Kidnapper Man. If this wasn't so scary, I totally would've burst out laughing...until I saw that Kidnapper Man was fending him off with a, well, sword. It looked like it was made of stone, and was adorned with intricate patterns.

I looked up at the elevator cameras, "Help!" I cried. Mustache Man was closing in on me.

"What a savory meal you will make, Autumns." Anders was still lying on the ground. Was he even still alive? I looked back at the man and realized that there was something disorienting about him. I could put my finger on what, though. He reached out for me again before I could actually process his words and I screamed, instinctively kicking out. There was a weird sensation, where I thought that my foot was about to go through him. Suddenly, my attacker vanished, dissolved into dust before my eyes, black suite and all. Whoa.

"Adelaide," I looked up, trembling. There was something that seemed to make me realize that I just escaped a very unpleasant, horrifying fate. Perhaps death-or worse.

Anders said my name again, and I stumbled over to him. He was standing and I placed my hand on his chest. Yeah, his heart was still beating.

"What...How did you..." I whispered. He hefted a small dagger, bronze, and otherwise, quite plain.

"Found it on the ground. Are you okay?"

"Fine, but Cur-" I started, then dove aside as Curran and the last man grappled past us.

"Ahh, Anders! Some help here?" Anders rushed up to them, trying find an opening. I moved towards them too. Then I realized-

"Curran! Your feet!" I screeched. His 'ankles were covered in fur and he had...hooves. "Oh my sweet Lord, " I whispered, pinching myself. Yup, I wasn't dreaming. Sadly.

"Ahhh!" I looked away before Anders plunged the dagger into the man. I guess he exploded into dust too, because when I looked back, he was gone. Anders was handing the dagger back to Curran.

"Celestial bronze. Gotta love it." He said. Then seeing out puzzled looks, he sighed.


"Whoa-how come-" Curran slapped his hand to my mouth.He gave me a warning look.

"Let me handle this."

We stepped out of the elevator, shouldering our bags which had been kicked to the side while we were fighting the men. As soon as we took two steps out, we were ambushed by grownups.

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