Chapter 3

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I woke up to a knock on my door.
"Jane you have two hours and were leaving" my mom said throw the door.
I jumped out of bed and ran for the shower, after my shower a went to me closet and pick out my Blue jeans and a red crop top, that was Brodie's Favorite color. I packed my bag and ran downstairs.
"Mom I'm so excited for today, I can't wait to see everyo-" I stopped talking when I saw my father standing in the kitchen, he been away for a Business trip for the past 2 months, "DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" I ran to him for a hug.
He's green eyes turned blue which means he's happy, he's a wolf like me and my mom. "I stopped in to say hi before you left love" he said with a big smile.
"I'm so happy you came dad" I don't wanna let go of him,

"Jane come on we have to go" my mother yelled,
"Okay okay I'm coming" I hugged my dad one last time and headed for the door, The car ride was about two hour, my mom had to stop at every store possible before you got there. Finally I can see big pack house looks like a mansion, Stainglass windows,golden front door, wolf statues and a beautiful driveway with purple flowers going up the side. I got see kyra and Steven walking around the back of the house with some others.
"Thanks mom see ya" I smiled and ran to the door before she cld say bye.
I open the door and laid my bags on the floor, I was so happy to be here.

"Look who we got here someone dragged in a mutt".
I turned around to see Matt laughing. His short brown hair was coved in a john deer hat.
"Very funny Matt, where is everyone?"
"Brodie's out with some people dealing with hunters, but there's some people in the game room" he pointed towards the door.
"Oh alright thanks" I started walking to the game room, right before I got to the door it Flew open.
To see a man standing there with amazing dark brown almost black hair that fell perfectly around his face, he turned his head to look at everyone in the room,
"Hey everyone look it's Jane" Joseph looked down on me all I could see was his gorgeous green eyes, they sparkled when the sun hit them.
"Hey Joseph" i smiled and gave him a hug, I walked into the room to be greeted by 4 people, kyra, Steven, Shelby and a guy I have no idea who he is.
"Hey everyone" I smiled,
Kyra and Shelby ran over to give me a hug,
"Oh Jane this is Sam" Steven said pointing to the mysterious man sitting in the chair.
"Hey nice to meet you" he waved, his blonde hair was slightly messy, he had brown eyes.
"Nice to meet you to Sam" I smiled,
He seemed very nice, I think we'd get along great.
"Jane Let me show you to your room" kyra said with a smile running out the door "follow me" she yelled.
She grabbed my bag and started walking up the stairs, I followed. She opened a door right next to Brodie's room, "here you go girl" she laid my bags on the floor by the bed, the room was huge, black walls with a king size bed in the middle of the room, with white sheets covering it.
"Oh and the best part Jane you have your own bathroom" she opened the door to my right, there was a jet tub on one said and a shower on the other.
"I could get use to this"
My wolf said
"Wow this is beautiful" I smiled "thanks kyra"
She turned and walked out the door. I ran over and jumped on my bed. There was a knock on the door, before I could answer, Brodie was walking in my room "hey Princess, you like the room?" He smiled and say next to me, "baby I love it" I smiled and jumped on him for a hug. After I was done hugging him another Knock was at the door.
"Come in" I yelled, "Hey you!!" A man voice said, his dark brown almost black hair was slightly curled at the ends, he looked at me with his golden brown eyes.

It was Kenny one of the guys I trained with about 2 months ago. We call each other "You" for fun.
"Hey you, long time" I smiled getting up to give him a hug.
"How are you,You." He hugged me.
"I'm good You and yourself? I laughed. After about 3 hours of talking to Kenny and Brodie we all decided to go downstairs and get some food.
"What you want to eat Hun" Brodie asked.
"Ummm surprise me" I giggled,
"You too are so cute together, it's like you guys are meant to be together" Kenny smiled,
"thanks Kenny, I don't know where I'd be without her, she's just amazing and makes me a better person" Brodie said staring into my eyes, I could feel my cheeks burning again, why do I have to blush at everything he has.
"Haha thanks Kenny" I whispered.

After we were done eating I was so tried.
"Hey I'm gonna head to bed I'm falling asleep" I smiled and waked up the stairs. I jumped in the shower before bed, this shower was amazing, the shower head turned the water different colours it was really cool. After my shower I laid in bed, and fell asleep instantly.

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