My Life as the Dead- Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Bella's POV

"Push me Bella!" Emmett yelled in a little kid voice, as he got on the swing of the playset. Shortly after Edward had told me about his past life the rest of the Cullens showed up and we WERE chatting as a large group until Emmett did the strangest thing. He jumped up from the bench, did a pirouette, ran to the swingset and started telling me to push him.

"Emmett, where are your manners today?" I asked him in a mortherly tone.

"PUSH ME!!!" He screamed. I was pretty sure the whole neighbourhood could hear him but we didn't really care.




"YES PLEASE!" Emmett said, sighing in defeat.

"As you wish." I turned partly transparent, ran to the other side of the park (luckily no humans were there), ran as fast as a ghost could towards him, used all of my strength to push him and the swing. Emmett and the swing went flying through the air, above the tree tops, halfway across town. I looked at the broken hinges of the swingset.

"Oops." I muttered quietly. Everyone gazed at me in amazement.

"Bella, what the hell was that? Not even a vampire can use all of that strength." Alice said in awe.

"But that was normal... for a ghost." I said quietly, avoiding everyone's stares.

A moment later, Emmett came grumbling through the bush, something about kicking my ass later. If only he knew what I was capable of.

"Well it's about time you joined us!" I yelled cheerfully. I was laughing until I felt myself falling, falling backwards until I hit the ground.

"You did not just do that..." Alice said to Emmett, gasping. She looked torn between being shocked and being amused. I looked over at Emmett and saw him laughing. Before he could process anything I pounced on him. We'll see who has the last laugh.

Before long we were fighting. I used one of my many powers, teleportation. I teleported behind Emmett and tapped him on the shoulder. The look on his face was priceless. He was about to tackle me again when I teleported behind him... again. Emmett automaticly turned around and saw me.

"Are you Slender Man or something?" He asked. I smiled and then my smile disappeared along with the rest of my face. Another power, mind you. Emmett screamed like a little girl. I could still see and I saw Alice holding a video camera. She saw this coming and wanted to film it.

"Yes Emmett," said my voice out of no where, "I am Slender Man."

Emmett was still screaming, he was close to hysterics. Rosalie decided it was time to intervene.

"Bella, maybe you should stop, before you give him a heart attack."

"But his heart has stopped beating, no problem." I said, giggling. Rosalie rolled her eyes at me.

"It would be nice if he could go hunting in the forests without being scared that Slender is going to appear out of nowhere." She said.

"Alright." I sighed. I returned back to normal and so did Emmett. Well, as normal as he could get. The whole time we were doing this, Jasper, Alice and Edward had been laughing their asses off. My mobile phone went off (by a miracle, it wasn't crushed when Emmett and I were fighting) and I answered it.


"Hello Isabella." A creepy masculine voice responded.

"Who is this?" I asked a little bit worried. The Cullens gave me strange look.

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