Chapter One

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Kylie pov:

My name is Kylie, I am seventeen year's old, almost eighteen. I go to Riverside Highschool and people think im a nerd just because I get good grades and the teachers like me, But really im not a nerd I go to Party's and get into a few fights when I need to.

I never see my mom she is always at work the only time I hear her is when she calls on my birthday and holidays to say she cant make it then she gives me 10, 000 dollers thinking I forgive her when really I dont.

 She never used to be like this she got like this after my dad passed away in a car accident when i was 7, My dad and I got along really good he took me to the park everyday after school and got me icecream on fridays as you can tell i was a daddy's girl. 

Today's sunday and I am dreading about school tomorrow I really hate school but I get good grades and go everyday to get good things on my reportcard for collage.

Monday morning 

I wake up to Angela screaming at me to wake up, Now Angela is my maid/ nanny she has been with me since my dad died so she is kinda like a mother to me, I step out of the shower and wrap my towal around me and walk to my closet to get my clothes and run back into the bathroom to blow dry my hair, I look in the mirror after doing my hair and think Im so glad i have naturally straight hair.

I walk into the kichten and see my food on the counter I walk to it and start eating.

after im done my food I walk into the living room and say to Angela "Okay im going to school now ill see you later."  "See you later sweetheart have a nice day." I step into my car and start driving to school. 

I walk to my locker to see my two bestfriends standing there Andrea and Katie they run up to me and hug me.

"Hey where were you" Katie said 

"Ive been at home all weekend" I say

"Boo you whore" Andrea say quoting Mean Girls are favorite we all laugh and walk to class.

After class I go to my other class by myself since Katie and Andrea have a different one I walk to my seat hearing people whisper "here's the nerd" and giggles I roll my eye's and sit down.

After class Andrea, Katie and I walk into the cafeteria I get my food and start walking to our table but get stoped by Stacie now Stacie is the school's slut and biggest whore,

'"Yes" I say

"Im sitting there" she says 

"Thats my table" I say

"Well now its not" she says loudly to get everyone attention, I roll my eyes and start walking to a different table, 

"Where are you going" she asks

"To a different table" I say setting down my food and sitting down

"why dont you go eat in the bathroom, thats where all the pathetic losers eat" she says everyone laughs and giggle,

"Because you had sex and all of them and I dont want to get any STD's in my food" I say angrily, everyone starts screaming out burn and laughing like hyena's,


"Trust me im not" I say, I stand up and stat walking out of the cafeteria until this bitch says

"actually why dont you go home to your mama to eat oh wait she's never there" she says

I freeze the only reason she knows this is because we used to be bestfriends before and I hate myself for it, 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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