Chapter 16

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hola chicas!

my mom wanted me to study and i was not in the mood so i made this short chapter.

thank you everyone for reading, voting and fanning. you really light up my world like nobody else. :) see what i did there? *wink wink*

sooo, here's chapter sixteen! enjoy you guys!

feel free to comment and leave a message on my wall or message box. you could even chat!

vote, comment, fan and follow me on twitter @hiimrandommia if you want. but most especially enjoy!


brownies and sugary stuff that causes tooth decay but we still eat anyway bacuase it makes us happy and it is delicious,

Faye <3 Xx


I got my bags from the counter and walked towards where most of the people were waiting. I looked around for a familiar dark haired figure, which was not as easy as it seems as most Filipinos have dark hair. I finally spotted him waving his hands above his head, trying to catch my attention. I chuckled at how he looked and made my way towards him.

“Hey uncle!” I greeted as I got to him. He hugged me and I hugged back.

“Hija! How’s my favorite niece?” uncle Henry asked as soon as we finished hugging. We started to walk towards the exit of the Mactan Airport here in Cebu. Yes, I’m finally home in the Philippines.

“Okay lang naman po. Kayo? Kamusta na kayo ng mga bata? (I’m just fine. How about you? How are you and the kids?)” I answered him. He answered that they were fine and we continued to chat and catch up on each other until we reached his car. He loaded my luggage, which was not much, and got on the driver’s seat.

“So uhmm, Laiza and Adam told me about Zayn.” He started. My face fell and I sighed.

“Look uncle, I love you and all that but can we please not talk about that? I was hurt and I kind of came here to forget.” I said, looking at him pleadingly. He sighed and nodded.

“I just want to warn you though that Anna and Grace are huge directioners. You might be hearing about the boys from them quite a lot.” I smiled at the thought of my younger cousins. Anna was 13 and Grace was 12 but they acted like twins. They basically followed me and did what I did. They really excel in their studies so they became scholars like me. I joined girl scouts, they did too. I did cosplaying, they did too. When I was with them you could quite say we are like sisters. Even though they were young, they had a mind of a mature person. When they know it is a touchy subject, they would drop it.

“Uncle, they may be young kids but they think maturely. They will drop the subject once they know it’s touchy.” I stated to him.

“Seems legit.” I gaped at him and laughed at his comment. We continued to talk all the way to the house. Once we finally arrived, I got out of the passenger seat only to have the kids attach themselves to me.

“Ate Mia! Akala namin hindi ka na babalik eh. (Mia! We thought you were not coming back!)” Anna said. Grace nodded her head and I bent down to their level.

“Di ba nagpromise ako na babalik ako? Kailan pa ba ako nag-break ng promise? (I did promise I’ll be coming back. When did I ever break a promise?)” I replied to them. They giggled and got hold of each of my arms and dragged me to the house. It was just like before, except neater.

“We’ll be having dinner first then you can go unpack and rest early. We’ll be taking you out shopping first thing tomorrow.” Uncle Harry said. We made our way to the dining area and saw that they prepared my favorite Sinigang.

“We helped Papa prepare your favorite so you could forget about Zayn easily.” Grace said to me, earning her a light slap to the arm from Anna.

“We were not supposed to talk about that!” Anna told her.

“Oh! I’m sorry! It slipped.” I laughed at them and smiled at their thoughtfulness.

“Well, let’s eat now, shall we? I haven’t eaten this in months.” I said, eyeing up the Sinigang. They laughed and we took our seats, saying our grace before starting to eat.

After eating, the girls helped me unpack while watching Prince of Tennis. It is our favorite anime series. When we finished, I sent them to their rooms and tucked them to bed like I always do when I stayed over. I went back to the room where I was staying and laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. My last thoughts before sleeping was, what if Zayn and I really got together?

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