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Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran

Calum took Sadie to the movies, which was pretty basic; but it was great. They shared popcorn, and had awkward hand touching. Sadie even remembers when Calum dropped his pop (or soda, you nasty Southerns) on her.

They were walking into the back isle, trying to get a decent seat in the mostly abandon movie theater, besides another couple, which was a like 70 year olds.

They walk over the the very back, sitting in the middle of the isle. When they sat, Calum propped his feet up onto the seat in front of him leaning back, putting the pop on the arm rest between them.

Calum and sadie only had 30 dollars, (both having only 15 dollars with them) and they could barely pay for the movie. So, they shared a pop and popcorn, which didn't really bother neither of them.

The movie started to begin, intrupting the small talk Calum and Sadie had started. They went to see Big Hero 6, which was a great movie. (Calum and Sadie both already saw it, but neither knew that.) In the Middle of the movie, Calun was going to get a refill, since they drank all of the pop. They was still some pop left, with ice and two straws in both. Calum must've squeezed the cup too hard, and the top of it popped off. It would've been okay, but Calum was tilting the goddamn cup as well, not realizing it.

The pop got all over Sadie. Sadie got up in shock, but smiling at the moment. She didn't really care that there was pop all over her. It was an honest mistake. "I'm so sorry Sadie!" Calum explained quietly.

"it's okay Calum really. I just need to wash it off, eh?" She said leaving the isle.

"Let me help." he said walking behind her.

"you're going to the ladies room with me?" she said, raising her eyebrow.

"yeah why the fuck not?" he said smiling.

"no Cal. I'll only be a few minutes." she smiled walkig out of the theater.

in Math, Sadie was stressed again. she wanted to kiss Calum. She wanted to hold him forever. she can't help herself.

but she needs too. She can't kiss him in front of everyone, shes not going to risk that.

so she helped herself and finished writing her note.

Calum came up to her, smiling.

"finished my note?" he asked.

"yeah hold on." she said as she finished the last few words.

"hey, once again, sorry about the pop." he said scratching his neck.

"once again, it's okay." she said as she hands the to Calum.

K is kissing; which is what I want to do right now.

"kiss me like you wanna be loved."

and calum did just that.

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