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"What was that?"


"Is that my phone?"


"Alright, alright, I'm up!" She exclaimed, sleep still thick in her voice, "Ugh... What time is it?" She glanced at the clock; it read 2:30 am. She groaned and stretched over to the nightstand to pick up her phone. "Hello?" she managed to croak out. She heard a man clear his throat, "Hello, is this Kira?" She hesitated; the voice wasn't familiar. "...Who is this?" she asked.

"My name is Harvey. I'm the local doctor here in Pelican Town. I apologize for calling so late, but I have some important news for you regarding your grandfather. He's... Not doing well... He's been asking for you. Do you think you--" his words were cut off. "Wait, back up. He's not doing well? What do you mean? What's wrong?" Her words were frantic, she wanted this to just be a bad dream. Harvey responded calmly, "It would probably be best if you made a trip here to Stardew. He doesn't seem to have much longer, but if you hurry... You may be able to tell him goodbye."

Her mind went blank. Goodbye? She thought back to her parent's funeral. That was the last time she'd seen him. It was just shy of two years ago, and he seemed fine then, so what could have happened? Her thoughts were interrupted, "Ma'am?" She snapped back to the conversation she was having, "S-sorry. I'll be there as soon as I can." She hung up the phone and jumped out of bed, throwing on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Was the bus to Stardew even running this late? She should have asked the doctor. "Whatever, I'll just drive the whole way. I have a map." She thought.

She rummaged through her nightstand, pushing various items out of the way. From the back of the drawer she pulled out an old map labeled "Zuzu City". She opened it up, checking to see if Stardew Valley was on it. Just barely in the bottom right corner, she saw it. She slipped on her boots, grabbed her keys and coat, and was out of the door within seconds. Sitting in the driver seat of her car, her thoughts were racing. What if he dies? What in the world could have happened to him? What if she didn't make it in time? "Well, surely I won't if I just keep sitting here." She thought. She started her car and pulled out of the driveway, racing down the street toward Stardew Valley.

"Just hang on grandpa. I'm coming."


Kira pulled up next to a bus; she'd made the drive from Zuzu City to Stardew in only 45 minutes. It had been a while, but she just barely remembered her way to the town center. Snow crunched under her boots as she walked past the bus and onto where the grass would be. Passing the fencing, she turned left and kept walking. The whole town was silent, not even the owls were hooting. She saw a light faintly spilling through a window from a small building and made her way over. The little sign read "Pelican Town Clinic – Hours: 9am-3pm".

She took a deep breath a rapped at the door quickly. There was silence at first, but she then heard footsteps coming to the door. The locks clicked and the door opened revealing a small waiting room and a young man; he looked exhausted. "Oh, good, you're here. Kira, I presume?" he asked; you could hear the wariness in his voice. "Yes, now please, where is my grandfather?" she asked hurriedly.

"He's in the back room in one of the beds, here, follow me." He let Kira in and they walked through the small clinic. It smelled clean, but Kira didn't like it. She loathed the smell of antiseptic and hated most medical settings since her parents passed. She was also nervous; she hadn't even spoken to her grandfather since their funeral. What would he have to say? Would he be proud of her? But what reason would he have to be? She worked for Joja Corp., the most soul sucking place in the world. Sure, the benefits were okay, and it paid well, at least well enough that she could afford the house she was renting. But how could that muster pride?

Solace in the StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora