Chapter XVI

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Calmly I went down the stairs and went out into the street which was very lonely but I didn't waste time and got into the car that immediately started

The ride to the hotel was quiet, concentrating on just doing the job correctly, all the way I had few opportunities to look out the window as I kept my eyes on the floor of the car remembering each image of the plans that were a little less complex than the city bank where they had a sturdy metal-covered vault with many kinds of seals and inscriptions to keep the ghosts from entering for anything of value

Transportation time was very fast so when I looked up at the window I was already outside the hotel

We went down a path to the parking lot where the driver stopped and without waiting any longer I opened the door and jumping down, a waiting policeman approached

- Thanks for coming, I was waiting for you - he said

- yes, and how is everything going? - I asked for

- It only remains for Cresalia to arrive and begin her work -

- It is possible that they are close, this morning I arrive in the city - he added

- Follow me -

I just nodded and he was leading me to a back door where a Golduck was sitting on the ground in a certain preparation position calming his nerves

- He will be your partner - said the officer who returned to the exit without saying anything else

Without paying much attention, I settled quietly near a small garbage can, waiting for everything to start.

From that distance I observed Golduck for a few moments to check if he was strong but he really only remained engrossed with his hands together very concentrated which did not tell me anything

Half an hour passed when the echo of a car was present and this was escorted by flyers who arrived close to the back door and immediately Pokemon got off, making the quick preparations on the ground where they arranged a fine cloth

I stood up shaking my cape and walked towards the vehicle where Cresalia emerged being followed by two of her followers, Ampharos was still behind

- Zorua! Come - he said

With a sigh I passed in the middle of the policemen who kept making a perimeter in a circle

- I'm ready - I said

- well, he will be your partner is Dragonite -

The next to protect, he looked at me seriously and just showed a big smile.

- I will introduce you to Cresalia -

Along with the rescuer, we went to Cresalia who was talking with his companions

- These Pokemon will escort you at all times so you will be safe at any time - she said

Ampharos gave our names and Cresalia seemed delighted with each one

- Nice to meet you, it will be an honor to work with you - she said who smiled

I just bowed without lowering my ears

- We will protect her from any evil so don't worry - Dragonite said

- I still promise to protect you - added Golduck

I observed them very strangely but did not want to show suspicions of a cold behavior

- I do the same - I said

Cresalia spread her wings letting out a breeze that shook my hat and with everything well in the parking lot we entered the hotel

In the middle of the corridors I watched the workers bow and so on but it was not really necessary for them to do so, walking and keeping watch we reached the elevator, the first to go up was Golduck and one adept followed by Dragonite, lastly I was left with the other adept and Cresalia, policemen guarded the first and second floors just to make sure no one suspicious arrived

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